Closed BarbieGosling closed 10 months ago
Are you using the latest version? Can you please send me a screenshot of the terminal?
I'm use latest version.
It couldn't find any valid proxies! I guess this error might be because of missing prerequisites! Please run this command in the terminal:
python -m pip install PySocks
Requirement already satisfied: PySocks in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (1.7.1)
I'll fix the issue in the next update. If you want, you can run the robot without using a proxy, but it requires a clean and not blocked IP by CloudFlare!
In the file, change line 191 from
self.useProxy = True
self.useProxy = False
I trying using without proxy and get same error
this error occurs due to an uncollected reward from the robot (which gives out coins when you are not playing), you need to collect the reward and then your bot will work.
this error occurs due to an uncollected reward from the robot (which gives out coins when you are not playing), you need to collect the reward and then your bot will work.
I don't really think this way! But I'll look into it.
Mining Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)