Poryaei / NotCoin-Clicker

A Python bot and automated clicker for accumulating NotCoins on Telegram.
MIT License
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The formula for calculating the number of coins #24

Closed BrasD99 closed 9 months ago

BrasD99 commented 10 months ago

Hi! I have another proposal to improve the project. I studied the JS scripts from their application and got the formula by which the maximum number of coins that the server accepts (/clicker/core/click) during the request is calculated.

I suggest calculating this value in startMin:

getData = self.sendCoins(_sc, _sh)
data = getData["data"][0]
_sc = int(159 * data["multipleClicks"] * random.uniform(0.8, 1.0))

I use random so that the number of coins varies slightly with each request.

Poryaei commented 9 months ago

Hello, thank you for the code you sent! I prefer not to do this. Naturally, there is a possibility of the bot being identified with this action But anyway, thank you for your suggestion.