Poryaei / TapSwap-Clicker

A Python bot and automated clicker for accumulating TapSwap on Telegram.
MIT License
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run in background #15

Closed mrdarkerr closed 1 month ago

mrdarkerr commented 1 month ago

I run the script in Python as below in the background

python clicker.py &

But with the passage of time, the time of the next click will change to a negative number and it will become a bug and no more clicks will work

How can I run the script in the background of my Ubuntu server without problems?

M-logique commented 1 month ago

This is due to TapSwap constantly disconnecting and reconnecting, and you have to restart the script every so often.

mrdarkerr commented 1 month ago

I have a suggestion that makes this script unique, consider a one-hour or two-hour time for the script to receive a new url from the bot so that the session is updated and does not suffer from possible bugs.

Poryaei commented 1 month ago

Could you please test the script again? I think the problem might have been fixed.

Poryaei commented 1 month ago


BraveCanister commented 1 month ago

Will this result in me losing the coins like with notcoin? :D