PoshCode / ModuleBuilder

A PowerShell Module to help scripters write, version, sign, package, and publish.
MIT License
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Doc bug #130

Open Jaykul opened 2 months ago

Jaykul commented 2 months ago

The docs say:

Create a source folder with a build.psd1 file and your module manifest in it In the build.psd1 specify the relative Path to your module's manifest, e.g. @{ Path = "ModuleBuilder.psd1" }

But if do that, and then run Build-Module in the root, the build.psd1 is being ignored (the module builds, but without any of the settings I put in the build.psd1).

For it to work as expected, I have to either put the build.psd1 in the folder where I will run Build-Module or pass the path to the folder where I put the build.psd1 (i.e. Build-Module source)

On the other hand, I think it's reasonable to expect that it would work the way the docs say: put the build.psd1 next to the Module.psd1 -- if it can find the Module.psd1, it should find the build.psd1 as well!