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BI #157

Open Gilbert09 opened 6 months ago

Gilbert09 commented 6 months ago


What's the goal of this?

Short-term, to replicate our go/revenue dashboard in PostHog. Long-term, allow users to effortlessly query and analyze their business data in PostHog.

This list is pretty incomplete and only focuses on the short-term right now. There's plenty more to come here from the Data Warehouse side, such as some DBT-like integration - more to come on this later.

Step 1: Make it work

Step 2: Make it good

Step 3: Make it complete


Feature Requests

timgl commented 5 months ago

Possibly related: Easily browse available tables to query next to the SQL editor.

dannysheridan commented 5 months ago

Right now at Fern (YC W23) I'm using Google Sheets to track the following KPIs weekly:

Would love to use a PostHog dashboard that brought in this data from Stripe. (Stripe's default dashboard views are insufficiently customizable.)

Watching this!

timgl commented 5 months ago

@dannysheridan If you enable these two in feature previews, you can go to "data warehouse" and set up a Stripe source, so we'll automatically pull in your data from stripe into the data warehouse! Let us know if you have feedback.

dannysheridan commented 5 months ago

Hey @timgl it took me longer than I would have expected to find feature previews. I raised a PR to improve the docs here.

dannysheridan commented 5 months ago

Enabling the Stripe connection was harder than expected as well.

Steps for folks in the future

  1. Get your account id in the top right corner here:
  2. Get your API key here: (Note: I created a restricted key that had read only access to certain data.)

Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 19 14

Once connected, I was brought back to this screen and I think I just need to wait for data to load (hopefully?)

Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 19 15

annikaschmid commented 5 months ago

@Gilbert09 One user last week mentioned that dashboard filters don't apply to queries on the dashboard, which is true. In Metabase, I know you can add variables to your query and then connect the query with a dashboard filter. It's probably not at the top of the to do list, but would be good to have at some point. Otherwise it can cause confusion, especially once we have visualisations and SQL queries are harder to differentiate from regular graphs. How does a user know whether the dashboard filter is applied or not?

timgl commented 5 months ago

@dannysheridan Have created a PR to address some of these issues!

isAdrisal commented 3 months ago

As a feature request, I would like a histogram chart type to be available as a visualisation with an "auto" and configurable bucket size.

It's workaroundable now with bar charts and manually creating the buckets in the query, but having it as an easy 2-click visualisation would be much nicer.

If I had to rank how important this is to me versus adding back {filters}, I'd give {filters} a 10/10 and histograms a 4/10.