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RFC: Some thoughts about community in 2024 #167

Closed andyvan-ph closed 6 months ago

andyvan-ph commented 6 months ago

I've been pondering community for the last week or so and put some thoughts to paper.

Date for decision: Jan 2024

ivanagas commented 6 months ago

Basically agree with Joe

charlescook-ph commented 6 months ago

Hello gang, there’s been a lot of chat around community recently! We just had a chat as part of the website & docs quarterly planning meeting, and it’s clear that both the vision for community and who is actually responsible for 'doing the things' is drifting between W&D and Marketing, and this is causing some confusion and frustration for people because we're all on slightly different pages.

We also want to reduce dependencies between small teams, and having W&D build something which Marketing is then responsible for maintaining is not really in the spirit of this.

Solution: from Q1, getting community at PostHog to product-market fit will be a W&D responsibility solely. This means that they will come up with the vision, build the tools and then do the stuff to make it successful (e.g. update the roadmap, make hubs successful, maybe other things we haven’t thought of yet). @jamesefhawkins is going to be our community person as we try and make this work. Depending on what lands and what doesn’t, we will then come up with a longer term plan for how to manage community (e.g. hiring someone).

For the marketing team, this means that building community/making posts successful is not a goal for us in Q1, and we will focus on all the other things on our list. (Obv we can define the newsletter and/or YC stuff as building community if you want to nitpick, but I hope the spirit of what I’m trying to say here comes across…)