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Q3 2024: PostHog for Mobile #217

Open Lior539 opened 3 days ago

Lior539 commented 3 days ago



Alternatives content:


(Will chat to Manoel for more ideas)


Case studies:


Other ideas:

Related issues

Lior539 commented 3 days ago

tagging @charlescook-ph @andyvan-ph @ivanagas @jtemperton @marandaneto for comment.

This is a list to get us started, and we will probably add more items as we go along. Would love to hear your feedback, thoughts, ideas.

Also, curious to hear if you think we should do the "Posthog vs xyz" guides, given they're usually quite high effort and the alternatives blogs cover similar content already (and are usually lower effort)

marandaneto commented 3 days ago

PostHog vs Y

I'm usually not a big fan of articles such as X vs Y because it's always super biased for X or Y and most of the time the reader does not learn anything.

The type of content I "Manoel" like to read is when you learn something from it, an example:

An article explaining the importance of DAU/MAU for Mobile, then you teach how to install the PH SDK, how to capture the DAU/MAU data either automatically or manually, create the dashboard, and explain how to "read" the dashboard.

DAU/MAU is just an idea, the mobile dashboard has many other interesting insights:, and of course we don't need to stick to those anyways.

Blog with Manoel on how we built mobile session replays (aim to get on hackernews)

I also want to submit a talk with a topic around this technical challenge at conferences, so the blog post can be the first version of it.

Promote Posthog/blogs/the newsletter in mobile dev specific newsletters

Yes, I know quite some, and I know Microsoft Clarity is already promoting Replay for Mobile as well

Increased adoption in our mobile SDKs, specifically by new org sign-ups

I'd love to see some insights like this, the ratio of new mobile org sign-ups, or even existing orgs sending events/using feature flags, etc using the Mobile SDKs. I tried to do that with Metabase already but Metabase isn't designed to read the data from all customers within more than a few days, the query just times out, we probably need to capture this info during events ingestion/flags evaluation, or find another way (happy to learn more from you all here).

andyvan-ph commented 3 days ago
charlescook-ph commented 2 days ago

@robbie-c may have good ideas here as one of our resident mobile app experts!

camerondeleone commented 2 days ago

From a commercial standpoint, based on our experience with the Flurry sunsetting/migration, I would suggest not prioritizing that. I'm not sure we sold a single deal from it, and the mismatch in expectations/pricing were nontrivial. It's entirely possible some people migrated without taking the deal and self-served to high volume.

I've heard Firebase more often than I've heard Appsflyer on calls (contrary to industry numbers, but take w a grain of salt since this is not systematic). But some comparisons that explain the differences, and (without seeming too sales-y) justify the added value you'd get from PostHog commensurate w the increased cost, would be really helpful from my perspective.

High volume mobile customers are ideal for us if we can get over the pricing hump, because users are mostly logged in (ie not personless), and the use cases lends itself to flags/a-b testing on top of analytics, which makes us much more sticky.

ivanagas commented 1 day ago
andyvan-ph commented 1 day ago

"Best free and open source mobile analytics tools" blog: Similar ones are some of our best performing content, we don't rank here.

+1 to this. I'm sure there's search for android and iOS. Will hard to rank, but worth doing long-term anyway.

robbie-c commented 5 hours ago

Some random thoughts:

Lior539 commented 1 hour ago

Thank you everyone for the feedback:

Note we already have a bunch of existing tutorials+blogs on mobile e.g. best mobile app ab testing tools

I can do newsletter ads, will take it out of existing newsletter ad budget Happy to help with Manoel's blog too

@ivanagas this sounds good. Since both of these go hand-in-hand (you could probably promote Manoel's blog in the newsletters?), is it okay if I assign both of these to you?