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Comparison Ads (Part 1) (Art Request) #233

Open andyvan-ph opened 1 month ago

andyvan-ph commented 1 month ago

As part of, I want to test running some comparative ads against Hotjar, Mixpanel, Amplitude and LaunchDarkly.

We're going to try a few different approaches here, including some that are more meme-y and fun, but also ones that are more info dense. This is about the latter.

What I'm looking for:


Hotjar PostHog
5k free recordings every month No Yes
Replaces Mixpanel and Amplitude No Yes
Built-in A/B testing No Yes
Mobile app recording No Yes
Single source of truth No Yes

Headline options:


Mixpanel PostHog
1m free events every month No Yes
A/B testing and feature flags No Yes
Run NPS and user surveys No Yes
Totally transparent pricing No Yes
Replace many tools with one No Yes

Headline options:


Amplitude PostHog
1 million free events every month No Yes
5,000 free recordings every month No Yes
Totally transparent pricing No Yes
No minimum annual commitments No Yes
Replace all your tools with one No Yes

Headline options:


LaunchDarkly PostHog
Unlimited seats No Yes
Simple, usage-based pricing No Yes
Built-in product analytics No Yes
Session replay, heatmaps & surveys No Yes
Single source of truth No Yes

Headline options:

andyvan-ph commented 1 month ago

Tagging @lottiecoxon @corywatilo for thoughts on art / mock-ups.

Tagging @ivanagas @charlescook-ph @joethreepwood @Lior539 @jtemperton for thoughts on copy / feedback on everything.

charlescook-ph commented 1 month ago

I think going for something where the competitor is all 'No' and we are all 'Yes' is a bit BS-y. Also the quotes could be more fun if they are Twitter ones that literally compare us to those competitors (even if it is a random person) - they usually have a bit more personality?

andyvan-ph commented 1 month ago

I'm not massively attached to the quotes tbh, but I think this is worth trying.

It's an easy to understand format where we can explain very clearly how we're different. I think viewers are adult enough to accept this isn't an in-depth comparison, so long as the things we're saying are actually true, which they are.

One alternative I considered was something along the lines of "Reasons people switched to PostHog" – similar sort of concept but without the No / Yes dynamic.

corywatilo commented 1 month ago

Would Hey be designing these or do you want these done in-house? (Totally fine letting them run with it and critiquing from there, if so.)

ivanagas commented 1 month ago

Instead of us having a check and them having an X for all of the points, what if we both had checks for 4/5 points and we use the last one/two as the big differentiator(s) like all-in-one, low pricings, free tier, built for engineers, etc. This would play better to our strengths while being less "BS-y".

andyvan-ph commented 1 month ago

Would Hey be designing these or do you want these done in-house? (Totally fine letting them run with it and critiquing from there, if so.)

I figured you and/or Lottie might want first dibs, but this works for me.

andyvan-ph commented 1 month ago

Instead of us having a check and them having an X for all of the points, what if we both had checks for 4/5 points and we use the last one/two as the big differentiator(s) like all-in-one, low pricings, free tier, built for engineers, etc. This would play better to our strengths while being less "BS-y".

I'll play around with this and report back.

lottiecoxon commented 1 month ago

hptjar vs concept

andyvan-ph commented 1 month ago

Love this approach. Some notes:

andyvan-ph commented 1 month ago

@ivanagas @charlescook-ph – your takes on these alternatives:

Hotjar PostHog
Session replay and heatmaps Yes Yes
Surveys & user feedback Yes Yes
5k free replays every month No Yes
Bulit-in A/B testing No Yes
Replaces Mixpanel, Amplitude & GA4 No Yes
Mixpanel PostHog
Product analytics Yes Yes
Dashboards and notebooks Yes Yes
Feature flags and A/B testing No Yes
100% transparent and cheap pricing No Yes
Replace multiple tools with one No Yes
Amplitude PostHog
Product analytics Yes Yes
Session replays Yes Yes
Feature flags and A/B testing Yes Yes
Generous free tier No Yes
No minimum annual commitment No Yes
LaunchDarkly PostHog
Feature flags Yes Yes
A/B testing Yes Yes
Built-in analytics No Yes
Simple, transparent pricing No Yes
Replaces Mixpanel, Amplitude & GA4 No Yes
ivanagas commented 1 month ago
lottiecoxon commented 4 weeks ago

I tried making the notebook bigger so the writing is more legible + experimented with colours, thoughts?

hvsp 2


andyvan-ph commented 4 weeks ago

Another revision @charlescook-ph @ivanagas.

FYI, I think we'll do a specific targeting on the ones that lead with YC stat to target smaller / younger companies on LinkedIn. Hotjar targeting can be wider.

The cheaper, all-in-one alternative to Hotjar

Hotjar PostHog
Session replay and heatmaps Yes Yes
Surveys & user feedback Yes Yes
5k free replays every month No Yes
Bulit-in A/B testing No Yes
Replaces Mixpanel, Amplitude & GA4 No Yes

Combined replay and heatmaps so we can include the 5k free replays.

xx% of Y Combinator startups choose PostHog over Mixpanel

Mixpanel PostHog
Product analytics Yes Yes
Dashboards and notebooks Yes Yes
Feature flags and A/B testing No Yes
100% transparent and cheap pricing No Yes
Replace multiple tools with one No Yes

No change. I think this works as is.

xx% of Y Combinator startups choose PostHog over Amplitude

Amplitude PostHog
Product analytics Yes Yes
Behaviorial cohorts Yes Yes
Custom events & formulas Yes Yes
100% transparent and cheap pricing No Yes
No minimum annual commitment No Yes

xx% of Y Combinator startups choose PostHog over Amplitude

LaunchDarkly PostHog
Feature flags Yes Yes
A/B testing Yes Yes
Built-in analytics No Yes
Simple, transparent pricing No Yes
Replaces Mixpanel, Amplitude & GA4 No Yes
andyvan-ph commented 4 weeks ago

I tried making the notebook bigger so the writing is more legible + experimented with colours, thoughts?

These look great @lottiecoxon. We should add our logo somewhere, but this concept looks good to me. Thoughts @corywatilo?

andyvan-ph commented 2 weeks ago

@lottiecoxon @corywatilo did you guys get any further with these?

lottiecoxon commented 2 weeks ago

Developed it to this point- awaiting feedback from Cory in Figma

hvsp 10

andyvan-ph commented 2 weeks ago

@lottiecoxon this looks good to me. One small note:

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago

been back and forth with Cory alot on this one - so have changed a bunch of things - hope this works

hvsp 16

andyvan-ph commented 1 week ago

Honestly, this feels like a step backwards. Angle on the comparison is jarring / hard to read, and feels like we're trying to cram in too many words.

In terms of clarity of messaging, Lottie's original concept is still the strongest. I liked the second quite a bit. A few tweaks to that could definitely work.

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago

okay post insightful call with Andy I have reworked old design

hvsp 17
andyvan-ph commented 1 week ago

Couple more notes:

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago
hvsp 18 hvsp 17
andyvan-ph commented 1 week ago

Ok, can we try a version where all the ones where Hotjar has 'x' are highlighted – i.e. highlight the whole item, not just specific words.

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago
hvsp 18
andyvan-ph commented 1 week ago

@lottiecoxon what do you think about the highlighting? I think it works, but open to dissenting opinions.

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago

it draws the eye onto the most important parts - I'd say yes to the one above

andyvan-ph commented 1 week ago

sorry to be tedious, but could we try one more version where it's underlined instead of highlighted?

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago

the title or the text or both?

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago
hvsp 19
lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago
hvsp 20
andyvan-ph commented 1 week ago

Lovely, thanks

corywatilo commented 1 week ago

What happened to the drafts we were working on that did a rev on this style?

lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago

I showed Andy -but he felt that for what he was after was more similar to an earlier version of the design hence the roll back

andyvan-ph commented 1 week ago

*Bold text denotes highlighted text in headline

The cheaper, all-in-one alternative to Hotjar

Hotjar PostHog
Session replay & Heatmaps Yes Yes
Surveys & user feedback Yes Yes
5k free replays every month No Yes
Bulit-in A/B testing No Yes
Replaces Mixpanel, Amplitude & GA4 No Yes

The cheaper, all-in-one alternative to Mixpanel

Mixpanel PostHog
Product & Web analytics Yes Yes
Web & Mobile replays No Yes
Feature flags & Experiments No Yes
User surveys & Feedback No Yes
Replaces Hotjar, GA4 & LaunchDarkly No Yes

The cheaper, all-in-one alternative to Amplitude

Amplitude PostHog
Product analytics Yes Yes
Session replay Yes Yes
User surveys No Yes
Generous free tier No Yes
No minimum annual commitment No Yes

The cheaper, all-in-one alternative to LaunchDarkly

LaunchDarkly PostHog
Feature flags Yes Yes
Experiments Yes Yes
Product & Web analytics No Yes
Session replay & Heatmaps No Yes
Replaces Mixpanel, Amplitude & GA4 No Yes

The cheaper, all-in-one alternative to Heap

Hotjar PostHog
Product analytics Yes Yes
Session replay & Heatmaps Yes Yes
Feature flags & Experiments No Yes
User surveys & Feedback No Yes
Replaces Hotjar, Mixpanel & LaunchDarkly No Yes
lottiecoxon commented 1 week ago

As requested- but ran into some issues:

amplitude heap hotjar launchdarkly

corywatilo commented 1 week ago

I left some comments on this artboard

For background colors, it should match whichever product we're highlighting. Since LD is known for FF, use the green we use there. If we're talking about a product analytics competitor, we'd want to use blue.

lottiecoxon commented 4 days ago

amplitude heap launchdarkly mixpanel hotjar