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Implement persons-on-events async migration #10561

Closed macobo closed 1 year ago

macobo commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

We're nearing completion with ingestion- and query-related changes for persons-on-events project. This ticket outlines the plan for migrating to that schema on cloud and self-hosted by default.

Current state

@yakkomajuri implemented posthog/management/commands/, however the script has various issues:

We're in a reasonably good state on cloud where we have ~60% of disk free to do this migration as needed.

One complicating factor is cloud infrastructure migration: Ideally we start this migration once posthog-worker has been moved to new infrastructure.

Describe the plan

You can find a WIP version of the backfill SQL here:

-- Copying tables to a more optimal schema

-- Speed up copying data
set max_block_size=100000, max_insert_block_size=100000, max_threads=20, max_insert_threads=20, optimize_on_insert=0, max_execution_time=0

-- person
CREATE TABLE tmp_person_0006
    `id` UUID,
    `created_at` DateTime64(3),
    `team_id` Int64,
    `properties` String,
    `is_deleted` Int8 DEFAULT 0,
    `version` UInt64,
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(version)
ORDER BY (team_id, id)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 128 -- Faster lookups!

INSERT INTO tmp_person_0006(id, created_at, team_id, properties, is_deleted, version)
SELECT id, created_at, team_id, properties, is_deleted, version FROM person

OPTIMIZE TABLE tmp_person_0006 FINAL DEDUPLICATE -- Set mutations_sync so this completes before backfill begins
ALTER TABLE tmp_person_0006 DELETE FROM tmp_person_0006 WHERE is_deleted -- Set mutations_sync so this completes before backfill begins

-- person_distinct_id
CREATE TABLE tmp_person_distinct_id2_0006
    `team_id` Int64,
    `distinct_id` String,
    `person_id` UUID,
    `is_deleted` Int8,
    `version` Int64 DEFAULT 1,
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(version)
ORDER BY (team_id, distinct_id)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 128 -- Faster lookups!

INSERT INTO tmp_person_distinct_id2_0006(team_id, distinct_id, person_id, is_deleted, version)
SELECT team_id, distinct_id, person_id, is_deleted, version FROM person_distinct_id2

OPTIMIZE TABLE tmp_person_distinct_id2_0006 FINAL DEDUPLICATE -- Set mutations_sync so this completes before backfill begins
ALTER TABLE tmp_person_distinct_id2_0006 DELETE WHERE is_deleted -- Set mutations_sync so this completes before backfill begins

-- groups
CREATE TABLE tmp_groups_0006
    `group_type_index` UInt8,
    `group_key` String,
    `created_at` DateTime64(3),
    `team_id` Int64,
    `group_properties` String,
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(_timestamp)
ORDER BY (team_id, group_type_index, group_key)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 128 -- Faster lookups!

INSERT INTO tmp_groups_0006(group_type_index, group_key, created_at, team_id, group_properties)
SELECT group_type_index, group_key, created_at, team_id, group_properties FROM groups

OPTIMIZE TABLE tmp_groups_0006 FINAL DEDUPLICATE -- Set mutations_sync so this completes before backfill begins

-- Create dictionaries

    team_id Int64,
    group_type_index UInt8,
    group_key String,
    group_properties String,
    created_at DateTime
PRIMARY KEY team_id, group_type_index, group_key
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE groups DB 'posthog' USER 'default'))
LAYOUT(complex_key_cache(size_in_cells 10000))

CREATE DICTIONARY IF NOT EXISTS person_distinct_id2_dict
    team_id Int64,
    distinct_id String,
    person_id UUID
PRIMARY KEY team_id, distinct_id
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE person_distinct_id2 DB 'posthog'))
LAYOUT(complex_key_cache(size_in_cells 10000))

DROP DICTIONARY person_dict ON CLUSTER 'posthog'

    team_id Int64,
    id UUID,
    properties String,
    created_at DateTime
PRIMARY KEY team_id, id
LAYOUT(complex_key_cache(size_in_cells 10000))

-- Backfill

-- Verification query
    toUUID(dictGet('person_distinct_id2_dict', 'person_id', tuple(team_id, distinct_id))) as real_person_id,
    dictGetString('person_dict', 'properties', tuple(team_id, toUUID(dictGet('person_distinct_id2_dict', 'person_id', tuple(team_id, distinct_id))))) AS real_person_properties,
    dictGetDateTime('person_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, toUUID(dictGet('person_distinct_id2_dict', 'person_id', tuple(team_id, distinct_id))))) AS real_person_created_at,
    dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 0, $group_0)) AS real_group_0_props,
    dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 0, $group_0)) AS real_group_0_created_at,
    dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 1, $group_1)) AS real_group_1_props,
    dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 1, $group_1)) AS real_group_1_created_at,
    dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 2, $group_2)) AS real_group_2_props,
    dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 2, $group_2)) AS real_group_2_created_at,
    dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 3, $group_3)) AS real_group_3_props,
    dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 3, $group_3)) AS real_group_3_created_at,
    dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 4, $group_4)) AS real_group_4_props,
    dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 4, $group_4)) AS real_group_4_created_at
FROM sharded_events
WHERE team_id = 2 AND $group_0 != ''

ALTER TABLE sharded_events
    person_id=toUUID(dictGet('person_distinct_id2_dict', 'person_id', tuple(team_id, distinct_id))),
    person_properties=dictGetString('person_dict', 'properties', tuple(team_id, toUUID(dictGet('person_distinct_id2_dict', 'person_id', tuple(team_id, distinct_id))))),
    person_created_at=dictGetDateTime('person_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, toUUID(dictGet('person_distinct_id2_dict', 'person_id', tuple(team_id, distinct_id)))))
    group0_properties=dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 0, $group_0)),
    group1_properties=dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 1, $group_1)),
    group2_properties=dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 2, $group_2)),
    group3_properties=dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 3, $group_3)),
    group4_properties=dictGetString('groups_dict', 'group_properties', tuple(team_id, 4, $group_4)),
    person_created_at=dictGetDateTime('person_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, toUUID(dictGet('person_distinct_id2_dict', 'person_id', tuple(team_id, distinct_id))))),
    group_0_created_at=dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 0, $group_0)),
    group_1_created_at=dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 1, $group_1)),
    group_2_created_at=dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 2, $group_2)),
    group_3_created_at=dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 3, $group_3)),
    group_4_created_at=dictGetDateTime('groups_dict', 'created_at', tuple(team_id, 4, $group_4));

Ideally we will be able to build, test and ship this as part of release 1.38.0 - at least as an experimental migration.

Work left out of this async migration

Thank you for your feature request – we love each and every one!

yakkomajuri commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this! Very well thought-out and explained.

Feedback on approach

macobo commented 2 years ago

Did a bunch of benchmarking on this today. Q/A:

Should we cache, how much?

TL;DR: Yes! More cache is best on cloud to speed things along.

I ran a few experiments with different dictionary caching solutions. One that struck out to me was doing the backfill with 10M events took:

The largest win comes from doing minimal caching, but wins continue with larger cache sizes. There are a few other knobs which sped things up:

See suggested dictionary setup ```sql DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS groups_dict; CREATE DICTIONARY IF NOT EXISTS groups_dict ( team_id Int64, group_type_index UInt8, group_key String, group_properties String, created_at DateTime ) PRIMARY KEY team_id, group_type_index, group_key SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE tmp_groups_0006 DB 'default')) LAYOUT(complex_key_cache(size_in_cells 1000000 max_threads_for_updates 6 allow_read_expired_keys 1)) Lifetime(60000); DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS person_distinct_id2_dict; CREATE DICTIONARY IF NOT EXISTS person_distinct_id2_dict ( team_id Int64, distinct_id String, person_id UUID ) PRIMARY KEY team_id, distinct_id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE tmp_person_distinct_id2_0006 DB 'default')) LAYOUT(complex_key_cache(size_in_cells 50000000 max_threads_for_updates 6 allow_read_expired_keys 1)) Lifetime(60000); DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS person_dict; CREATE DICTIONARY IF NOT EXISTS person_dict ( team_id Int64, id UUID, properties String, created_at DateTime ) PRIMARY KEY team_id, id SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(TABLE tmp_person_0006 DB 'default')) LAYOUT(complex_key_cache(size_in_cells 5000000 max_threads_for_updates 6 allow_read_expired_keys 1)) Lifetime(60000); ```

This achieved the following results on test data set:

β”‚ person_dict              β”‚  1005861016 β”‚ 0.9613943403886726 β”‚ 0.9999996132666503 β”‚       6309296 β”‚  0.7521266937255859 β”‚ 8.22 GiB  β”‚
β”‚ person_distinct_id2_dict β”‚  1508791524 β”‚ 0.9697972739936999 β”‚ 0.9997154537302398 β”‚       7295240 β”‚ 0.10870754718780518 β”‚ 3.37 GiB  β”‚
β”‚ groups_dict              β”‚  5029305080 β”‚ 0.9976188046241967 β”‚ 0.9999977770288694 β”‚         30856 β”‚ 0.02942657470703125 β”‚ 56.62 MiB β”‚

On cloud we should use as much memory as possible under this as large memory usage can make this complete in a reasonable (estimating few days at most) timeframe.

Note I also tried out complex_key_ssd_cache but this was discarded due to segfaults and issues on self-hosted external clickhouse providers.

Caching requirements on self-hosted

For self-hosted, let's choose a conservative caching option (using less than 500MB of ram on clickhouse) but with the option to increase these parameters as the migration is run.

Extra space requirement for migration

New columns

After filling the new columns on the test dataset, here's how column statistics looked:

β”‚ person_properties β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 17.97 GiB  β”‚ 17.97 GiB   β”‚ 95.40 GiB    β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 52.7673%            β”‚
β”‚ properties        β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 10.08 GiB  β”‚ 10.08 GiB   β”‚ 152.85 GiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 29.6131%            β”‚
β”‚ elements_chain    β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 2.10 GiB   β”‚ 2.10 GiB    β”‚ 27.29 GiB    β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 6.177%              β”‚
β”‚ uuid              β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 1.00 GiB   β”‚ 1023.77 MiB β”‚ 1.01 GiB     β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 2.9383%             β”‚
β”‚ $window_id        β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 747.25 MiB β”‚ 746.52 MiB  β”‚ 2.32 GiB     β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 2.1431%             β”‚
β”‚ created_at        β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 425.51 MiB β”‚ 424.79 MiB  β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 1.2204%             β”‚
β”‚ timestamp         β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 425.51 MiB β”‚ 424.79 MiB  β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 1.2204%             β”‚
β”‚ $session_id       β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 412.40 MiB β”‚ 411.68 MiB  β”‚ 2.31 GiB     β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 1.1828%             β”‚
β”‚ distinct_id       β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 353.12 MiB β”‚ 352.40 MiB  β”‚ 2.47 GiB     β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 1.0128%             β”‚
β”‚ _timestamp        β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 237.44 MiB β”‚ 236.72 MiB  β”‚ 258.08 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.681%              β”‚
β”‚ person_id         β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 150.04 MiB β”‚ 149.31 MiB  β”‚ 1.01 GiB     β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.4303%             β”‚
β”‚ group0_properties β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 71.17 MiB  β”‚ 70.44 MiB   β”‚ 2.46 GiB     β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.2041%             β”‚
β”‚ person_created_at β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 65.97 MiB  β”‚ 65.25 MiB   β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.1892%             β”‚
β”‚ group2_properties β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 11.72 MiB  β”‚ 10.99 MiB   β”‚ 334.65 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0336%             β”‚
β”‚ $group_0          β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 10.42 MiB  β”‚ 9.70 MiB    β”‚ 150.17 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0299%             β”‚
β”‚ group1_properties β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 9.43 MiB   β”‚ 8.70 MiB    β”‚ 394.63 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.027%              β”‚
β”‚ $group_2          β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 6.53 MiB   β”‚ 5.81 MiB    β”‚ 136.95 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0187%             β”‚
β”‚ event             β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 5.71 MiB   β”‚ 4.99 MiB    β”‚ 1.00 GiB     β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0164%             β”‚
β”‚ group0_created_at β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 5.42 MiB   β”‚ 4.69 MiB    β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0155%             β”‚
β”‚ group2_created_at β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 4.64 MiB   β”‚ 3.92 MiB    β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0133%             β”‚
β”‚ group1_created_at β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 3.94 MiB   β”‚ 3.22 MiB    β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0113%             β”‚
β”‚ team_id           β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 3.04 MiB   β”‚ 2.32 MiB    β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0087%             β”‚
β”‚ group3_created_at β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 3.00 MiB   β”‚ 2.28 MiB    β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0086%             β”‚
β”‚ group4_created_at β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 3.00 MiB   β”‚ 2.28 MiB    β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0086%             β”‚
β”‚ _offset           β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 3.00 MiB   β”‚ 2.28 MiB    β”‚ 516.16 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0086%             β”‚
β”‚ $group_1          β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 2.86 MiB   β”‚ 2.14 MiB    β”‚ 118.24 MiB   β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0082%             β”‚
β”‚ group3_properties β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 1.02 MiB   β”‚ 305.01 KiB  β”‚ 64.52 MiB    β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0029%             β”‚
β”‚ $group_3          β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 1.02 MiB   β”‚ 304.92 KiB  β”‚ 64.52 MiB    β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0029%             β”‚
β”‚ $group_4          β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 1.02 MiB   β”‚ 304.80 KiB  β”‚ 64.52 MiB    β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0029%             β”‚
β”‚ group4_properties β”‚   545 β”‚ 67653790 β”‚ 1.02 MiB   β”‚ 304.80 KiB  β”‚ 64.52 MiB    β”‚ 742.34 KiB β”‚ 0.0029%             β”‚

~54% of space was taken up by the new columns. The main issue seems to be that the compression ratio isn't as good as for event properties.

This is likely an effect from our our sort key: (team_id, toDate(timestamp), event, cityHash64(distinct_id), cityHash64(uuid)) causes same events from a team to be nearer to each other, which would likely have more similar payloads, while person properties which change from user-to-user would be more disparate.

In an ideal world, using the new JSON data type would offset the extra space usage (thanks to storing the data more effectively) but this feature is not ready for our usage yet. See for more details.

I'll explore alternative compression options in a follow-up comment as this much space usage hurts our bottom line a bit.

Extra space requirement for temporary tables

On my test instance, these tables took up the following amount of space.

β”‚ default  β”‚ tmp_person_0006              β”‚ 61290502818 β”‚ 57.08 GiB                       β”‚
β”‚ default  β”‚ tmp_person_distinct_id2_0006 β”‚ 25103022126 β”‚ 23.38 GiB                       β”‚
β”‚ default  β”‚ tmp_groups_0006              β”‚    13317282 β”‚ 12.70 MiB                       β”‚

We're (nearly) doubling the space used by persons but it's a rounding error compared to what's needed for events table.

How long will the migration take on Cloud

The largest backfill tested (with ample memory for caching) took 1323s for ~224M events. This means the migration can be expected to run in less than 3 days if started on each shard separately (and relying on replication).

During this time queries against machines doing the update will be slower as the migration is doing a lot of I/O (I saw >100MB/s write speed regularly).

As such it'd be ideal to run this on a weekend, if needed on multiple weekends.

We could add a replica to each shard with a low priority for doing this migration, but given it's expected runtime this is likely not needed.

Next measuremenets

Sadly measuring all of this is taking a lot longer than I was expecting. I'm currently in the middle of:

  1. Experimenting with different compression codecs
  2. Performance benchmarking

Will post these summaries once they are ready.

macobo commented 2 years ago


I've summarized learnings on different codecs in, but the TL;DR is that I think we should use ZSTD(3) which provides a ~5.3x improvement over the default LZ4 compression.

Performance comparison

I ran a few queries against the new schema, to compare the new and old schemas.

Note all queries are run both with and without page cache to provide realistic results.

Scripts and raw results can be found at For each tested queries, the median of 3 runs was taken.

Simple trend query

This query should be unaffected, provided as a baseline

query no cache duration with page cache duration
Simple trend query 243ms 168ms

Daily active users query

query no cache duration with page cache duration
With JOIN against person_distinct_id2 1674ms 1197ms
Using events.person_id column 133ms 101ms

Conclusion: This query is sped up significantly.

Note that these measurements are not perfect as below ~1 second queries might fluctate a lot.

Person properties query

The table includes queries against column for reference

query no cache duration with page cache duration
Trend query filtering on 5664ms 2022ms
Trend query filtering on (ZSTD(3) compression) 3338ms 2192ms
Trend query filtering on a materialized event property column 258ms 165ms
Trend query filtering on person property (with join against person table) * 44072ms 25187ms
Trend query filtering on person property (with join against person table, materialized column) * 44002ms 25195ms
Trend query filtering on event.person_properties 420ms 356ms
Trend query filtering on event.person_properties (ZSTD(3) compression) 418ms 383ms
Trend query filtering on a materialized property on event.person_properties column 102ms 61ms

Note on * - these queries OOM-ed without increasing max_memory_usage significantly.

Materialized column with join did not show a significant effect due to the size of the team under test.


Next, finally on to implementation!

fuziontech commented 1 year ago

Closing this out as has been in the wild for some time now and working.

If I am mistaken feel free to reopen πŸ“‚