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ValidationError: [ErrorDetail(string='This invite is intended for another email address: x. You tried to sign up with X.', code='invalid_recipient')]
(17 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
File "social_core/backends/base.py", line 113, in run_pipeline
result = func(*args, **out) or {}
File "social_core/pipeline/partial.py", line 30, in wrapper
out = func(strategy=strategy,
File "posthog/api/signup.py", line 420, in social_create_user
user = process_social_invite_signup(strategy, invite_id, email, full_name)
File "posthog/api/signup.py", line 336, in process_social_invite_signup
invite.validate(user=None, email=email)
File "posthog/models/organization.py", line 315, in validate
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
I just noticed this again xD I guess it doesn't matter for many people, but my invite email is different than the social account I'm signing up with, and the UI doesn't show any error at all.
Sentry Issue: POSTHOG-5WD