PostHog / posthog

πŸ¦” PostHog provides open-source product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and A/B testing that you can self-host.
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Sprint August 21st - September 1st #17046

Closed mariusandra closed 11 months ago

mariusandra commented 1 year ago

Global Sprint Planning

3 things that might take us down

  1. Nothing

Retro: What can we do better next sprint?


Team sprint planning

For your team sprint planning copy this template into a comment below for each team.

# Team ___

**Support hero:** ___

## Retro

<!-- Grab the high and low priority items from last time and add whether that item was completed or not -->


## Hang over items from previous sprint

<!-- For each item, decide to re-prioritise (and add below) or deprioritise -->

- Item 1. prioritised/deprioritise

## OKR

1. OKR, status (red/yellow/green) and action points if yellow/red

### High priority


### Low priority / side quests

mariusandra commented 1 year ago

Team Product Analytics

Support hero:


Hang over items from previous sprint


High priority

Low priority / side quests

annikaschmid commented 1 year ago

Team ~David and Annika~ Monitoring

Support hero: @pauldambra


Hang over items from previous sprint

🟒 Notebooks floating editor to configure Widgets - @daibhin

🟒 Intelligent search for notebooks - (e.g. Show me Notebooks containing this recording) - @pauldambra

🟒 Helping Pipeline team get Exports UI out the door - @benjackwhite


🎯 Goal 1 : Notebooks on ProductHunt 🟒 🎯 Goal 2 : Next 5 great things for Replay 🟒 πŸ₯³ Filtering and searching UX πŸ€” "Deep dive" e.g. Funnels -> list -> recording πŸ€” Clips πŸ€” Mobile replay

High priority

(Ben will be ~75% away this sprint)

Low priority / side quests

EDsCODE commented 1 year ago

Team Data Warehouse




High priority

Product *Eric off first week



raquelmsmith commented 1 year ago


Support hero: Me



  1. Starting to use and paying for new products feels frictionless
    • 🟑 In progress!
    • [ ] KR: We have separate onboarding for each product
    • [ ] KR: People don’t have to β€œupgrade” to different products, they just turn it on or start using it in some way.
  2. Customers can pay a reasonable price for the value they’re receiving
    • 🟒 Done! Unless Data Warehouse or CDP become ready for launch.
    • [x] KR: Make sure rollout of new product analytics pricing goes well
    • [x] KR: Feature Flags pricing is launched, as well as Data Warehouse and CDP, if they are ready for launch

This sprint

High priority

Low priority / side quests

neilkakkar commented 1 year ago

Team Feature Success

Support hero: @liyiy


  1. Surveys: Controlling targeting for users who've seen surveys + data display for ratings/mcq surveys - @liyiy -> both will be done by Fri!
  2. Make feature flag dashboard templates and flag autocapture ready for general availability - @neilkakkar --> flag autocapture will be ready to go, decided to punt on dashboard templates & consume this into notebook templates

Hang over items from previous sprint

Dashboard templates improvements


  1. Make it easier for engineers to analyze the success of a feature
  2. Build out an excellent user feedback product

High priority

  1. Surveys: Polish UI, 'Thank you' toast after responding, whitelabeling, Calculate Net Promoter Score, think about pricing - @liyiy
  2. Build out MVP for notebook templates for feature success flow - @neilkakkar

Low priority / side quests

ellie commented 1 year ago

Team Infrastructure

Support hero: @danielxnj

High priority

Low priority / side quests

tiina303 commented 1 year ago

Team Pipeline

Support hero: Xavier/Tomas, Tiina


Hang over items from previous sprint


  1. πŸ”΄ Define and enforce limits on what users can send us - Owner @xvello
  2. 🟒 Deprecate and improve apps
    • 🟒 Finish batch exports so we can deprecate export apps - Owner @tomasfarias
    • 🟑 Remove all processing apps - Owner @tiina303 -> New users can't install dangerous apps, will focus on onEvent / other apps ; we're going to keep stateless processEvent apps
  3. Figure out the pipeline architecture for the next 2 years - Owner @timgl

High priority

  1. PG, Redshift - migration email sent @tomasfarias
  2. BigQuery @tomasfarias
  3. PG continued @xvello
    1. pluginStorage to separate PG instance (why: stop taking down the app) &
    2. readOnly for team/token/action
  4. Plan out the future for onEvent apps and review existing ones @tiina303