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Surveys Q1 2024 Mega Issue #19518

Open liyiy opened 7 months ago

liyiy commented 7 months ago

Surveys Q1 2024 Mega Issue

In October 2023 we officially launched surveys along with pricing for it, which has received a lot of usage and feedback! We didn't meet our original goal of 5 reference customers for Q4 2023 because it was still very new for many users, but we did collect a lot of feedback and user interviews.

In Q1 2024, we want to continue with the momentum by building out some highly requested and must have features.

Main goals

  1. Event based targeting for surveys #19209
  2. Surveys with branching logic #19516
  3. Better results analysis

Side goals

These are potential side goals, in no particular order, and not exhaustive :)

  1. Tech debt

    • [x] Full e2e tests
    • [ ] Replace surveys preview duplicate code with actual posthog-js survey preview
  2. Docs and guides

    • [ ] How PostHog uses surveys
    • [ ] How to set up webhooks for surveys
    • [ ] How to set up insights with surveys data
    • [ ] How to use surveys feedback button to set up a bug report system
  3. Domain handling

  4. Option to track abandoned surveys

  5. Surveys activity history

  6. Long running surveys

  7. Reference customers

Out of bound goals (unless extra persons are supporting) 😁

  1. Customizability

    • [ ] Dark mode and themed surveys
    • [ ] Global settings/saved templates
    • [ ] CSS overrides
  2. Automation

    • [ ] Automatically update rollout conditions, start, or stop a survey based on criteria
    • [ ] AI summaries
    • [ ] Automatically generate surveys based on feature flags
  3. Experiment surveys

    • [ ] Run an experiment to see which survey performs better or run a survey on experiment variants that perform a certain way
  4. Mobile surveys

neilkakkar commented 7 months ago

I'd add this to side quests / main quest too:

and also issues with existing things that we should clean up -> , #19498

Also have a look at this, has some good ideas, and some you already have in your list:

annikaschmid commented 7 months ago

Looks good to me. I agree with Neil's additions.

From the linked user's issue, I think the ones not already on our list are not super high priority. There are a couple of workarounds for some of the requested features: You can use the html styling to add a text link, and the 'link' type question as the final page of the survey to link somewhere external.

In addition to the proposed docs/guides, it would also be good to have a specific guide for sending an email / Slack message when a new survey response is received with Actions + Zapier.

annikaschmid commented 7 months ago

In terms of prioritisation, my preference would be we to work on the "Tech Debt" part before you start working on the main goals. Both things have already caused us issues in the past, and they should be fixed before usage & revenue continue to grow.

liyiy commented 7 months ago

Agree with the above suggested ideas except for since it requires a refactoring of product analytics related work and is a "nice to have" instead of "must"

singleston commented 5 months ago

I've just added #20107 to enable wider support for mobile apps with react native, this would be a huge win for us.