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User paths after drop off never shows any results #23957

Open anirudhpillai opened 3 months ago

anirudhpillai commented 3 months ago

Bug Description

Bug description

On any funnel query when you click the options to view 'User paths after drop off', you don't get any results

How to reproduce

  1. Create any funnel
  2. Click option to view 'user paths after drop off' on any step

Debug info

- [ ] PostHog Cloud, Debug information: [please copy/paste from or]
- [ ] PostHog Hobby self-hosted with `docker compose`, version/commit: [please provide]
- [ ] PostHog self-hosted with Kubernetes (deprecated, see [`Sunsetting Kubernetes support`](, version/commit: [please provide]
anirudhpillai commented 2 months ago

Found a few issues when a funnel query is used to get user paths. Taking this funnel as the starting point. When you click on the second step and go to 'show user paths after drop off', the sql generated by the query runner has a few errors that I've highlighted by --FIX.

    last_path_key AS source_event,
    path_key AS target_event,
    count(*) AS event_count,
    avg(conversion_time) AS average_conversion_time
        person_id AS person_id,
        path AS path,
        conversion_time AS conversion_time,
        event_in_session_index AS event_in_session_index,
        concat(ifNull(toString(event_in_session_index), ''), '_', ifNull(toString(path), '')) AS path_key,
        if(ifNull(greater(event_in_session_index, 1), 0), concat(ifNull(toString(minus(event_in_session_index, 1)), ''), '_', ifNull(toString(prev_path), '')), NULL) AS last_path_key,
        path_dropoff_key AS path_dropoff_key
            person_id AS person_id,
            joined_path_tuple.1 AS path,
            joined_path_tuple.2 AS conversion_time,
            joined_path_tuple.3 AS prev_path,
            session_index AS session_index,
            arrayPopFront(arrayPushBack(path_basic, '')) AS path_basic_0,
            arrayMap((x, y) -> if(ifNull(equals(x, y), isNull(x) and isNull(y)), 0, 1), path_basic, path_basic_0) AS mapping,
            arrayFilter((x, y) -> y, time, mapping) AS timings,
            arrayFilter((x, y) -> y, path_basic, mapping) AS compact_path,
            -- FIX 3
            -- indexOf(compact_path, NULL) AS target_index,
            -- target_index results in the 'source_event' and we want
            -- source_event to equal the step after which we measure drop off
            indexOf(compact_path, '') AS target_index,
            if(ifNull(greater(target_index, 0), 0), arraySlice(compact_path, target_index), compact_path) AS filtered_path,
            arraySlice(filtered_path, 1, 2) AS limited_path,
            if(ifNull(greater(target_index, 0), 0), arraySlice(timings, target_index), timings) AS filtered_timings,
            arraySlice(filtered_timings, 1, 2) AS limited_timings,
            arrayDifference(limited_timings) AS timings_diff,
            concat(ifNull(toString(length(limited_path)), ''), '_', ifNull(toString(limited_path[-1]), '')) AS path_dropoff_key,
            arrayZip(limited_path, timings_diff, arrayPopBack(arrayPushFront(limited_path, ''))) AS limited_path_timings
                person_id AS person_id,
                path_time_tuple.1 AS path_basic,
                path_time_tuple.2 AS time,
                arrayZip(path_list, timing_list, arrayDifference(timing_list)) AS paths_tuple,
                arraySplit(x -> if(ifNull(less(plus(parseDateTime64BestEffortOrNull('2018-01-01', 6, 'US/Pacific'), toIntervalSecond(toInt64(x.3))), plus(parseDateTime64BestEffortOrNull('2018-01-01', 6, 'US/Pacific'), toIntervalDay(14))), 0), 0, 1), paths_tuple) AS session_paths
                    person_id AS person_id,
                    groupArray(timestamp) AS timing_list,
                    groupArray(path_item) AS path_list
                        toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'US/Pacific') AS timestamp,
                        if(not(empty(events__override.distinct_id)), events__override.person_id, events.person_id) AS person_id,
                        funnel_actors.timestamp AS target_timestamp,
                        ifNull(if(equals(events.event, '$pageview'), replaceRegexpAll(ifNull(nullIf(nullIf(events.`mat_$current_url`, ''), 'null'), ''), '(.)/$', '\\1'), events.event), '') AS path_item_ungrouped,
                        NULL AS groupings,
                        multiMatchAnyIndex(path_item_ungrouped, NULL) AS group_index,
                        (if(ifNull(greater(group_index, 0), 0), groupings[group_index], path_item_ungrouped) AS path_item) AS path_item
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
                            argMax(person_distinct_id_overrides.person_id, person_distinct_id_overrides.version) AS person_id,
                            person_distinct_id_overrides.distinct_id AS distinct_id
                            equals(person_distinct_id_overrides.team_id, 2)
                        GROUP BY
                            ifNull(equals(argMax(person_distinct_id_overrides.is_deleted, person_distinct_id_overrides.version), 0), 0)
                        SETTINGS optimize_aggregation_in_order=1) AS events__override ON equals(events.distinct_id, events__override.distinct_id)
                        INNER JOIN (SELECT
                            aggregation_target AS actor_id,
                            timestamp AS timestamp
                                aggregation_target AS aggregation_target,
                                steps AS steps,
                                argMax(latest_0, steps) AS timestamp,
                                argMax(latest_2, steps) AS final_timestamp,
                                argMax(latest_0, steps) AS first_timestamp,
                                avg(step_1_conversion_time) AS step_1_average_conversion_time_inner,
                                avg(step_2_conversion_time) AS step_2_average_conversion_time_inner,
                                median(step_1_conversion_time) AS step_1_median_conversion_time_inner,
                                median(step_2_conversion_time) AS step_2_median_conversion_time_inner
                                    aggregation_target AS aggregation_target,
                                    steps AS steps,
                                    max(steps) OVER (PARTITION BY aggregation_target) AS max_steps,
                                    step_1_conversion_time AS step_1_conversion_time,
                                    step_2_conversion_time AS step_2_conversion_time,
                                    latest_0 AS latest_0,
                                    latest_2 AS latest_2,
                                    latest_0 AS latest_0
                                        aggregation_target AS aggregation_target,
                                        timestamp AS timestamp,
                                        step_0 AS step_0,
                                        latest_0 AS latest_0,
                                        step_1 AS step_1,
                                        latest_1 AS latest_1,
                                        step_2 AS step_2,
                                        latest_2 AS latest_2,
                                        if(and(ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_0, latest_1), 0), ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_1, plus(toTimeZone(latest_0, 'UTC'), toIntervalDay(14))), 0), ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_1, latest_2), 0), ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_2, plus(toTimeZone(latest_0, 'UTC'), toIntervalDay(14))), 0)), 3, if(and(ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_0, latest_1), 0), ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_1, plus(toTimeZone(latest_0, 'UTC'), toIntervalDay(14))), 0)), 2, 1)) AS steps,
                                        if(and(isNotNull(latest_1), ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_1, plus(toTimeZone(latest_0, 'UTC'), toIntervalDay(14))), 0)), dateDiff('second', latest_0, latest_1), NULL) AS step_1_conversion_time,
                                        if(and(isNotNull(latest_2), ifNull(lessOrEquals(latest_2, plus(toTimeZone(latest_1, 'UTC'), toIntervalDay(14))), 0)), dateDiff('second', latest_1, latest_2), NULL) AS step_2_conversion_time
                                            aggregation_target AS aggregation_target,
                                            timestamp AS timestamp,
                                            step_0 AS step_0,
                                            latest_0 AS latest_0,
                                            step_1 AS step_1,
                                            latest_1 AS latest_1,
                                            step_2 AS step_2,
                                            min(latest_2) OVER (PARTITION BY aggregation_target ORDER BY timestamp DESC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 0 PRECEDING) AS latest_2
                                                aggregation_target AS aggregation_target,
                                                timestamp AS timestamp,
                                                step_0 AS step_0,
                                                latest_0 AS latest_0,
                                                step_1 AS step_1,
                                                latest_1 AS latest_1,
                                                step_2 AS step_2,
                                                if(ifNull(less(latest_2, latest_1), 0), NULL, latest_2) AS latest_2
                                                    aggregation_target AS aggregation_target,
                                                    timestamp AS timestamp,
                                                    step_0 AS step_0,
                                                    latest_0 AS latest_0,
                                                    step_1 AS step_1,
                                                    min(latest_1) OVER (PARTITION BY aggregation_target ORDER BY timestamp DESC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 0 PRECEDING) AS latest_1,
                                                    step_2 AS step_2,
                                                    min(latest_2) OVER (PARTITION BY aggregation_target ORDER BY timestamp DESC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 0 PRECEDING) AS latest_2
                                                        toTimeZone(e.timestamp, 'US/Pacific') AS timestamp,
                                                        if(not(empty(e__override.distinct_id)), e__override.person_id, e.person_id) AS aggregation_target,
                                                        if(and(equals(e.event, '$pageview'), ifNull(equals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$current_url`, ''), 'null'), ''), 0)), 1, 0) AS step_0,
                                                        if(ifNull(equals(step_0, 1), 0), timestamp, NULL) AS latest_0,
                                                        if(and(equals(e.event, '$pageview'), ifNull(equals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$current_url`, ''), 'null'), ''), 0)), 1, 0) AS step_1,
                                                        if(ifNull(equals(step_1, 1), 0), timestamp, NULL) AS latest_1,
                                                        if(and(equals(e.event, '$pageview'), ifNull(equals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$current_url`, ''), 'null'), ''), 0)), 1, 0) AS step_2,
                                                        if(ifNull(equals(step_2, 1), 0), timestamp, NULL) AS latest_2
                                                        events AS e
                                                        LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
                                                            argMax(person_distinct_id_overrides.person_id, person_distinct_id_overrides.version) AS person_id,
                                                            person_distinct_id_overrides.distinct_id AS distinct_id
                                                            equals(person_distinct_id_overrides.team_id, 2)
                                                        GROUP BY
                                                            ifNull(equals(argMax(person_distinct_id_overrides.is_deleted, person_distinct_id_overrides.version), 0), 0)
                                                        SETTINGS optimize_aggregation_in_order=1) AS e__override ON equals(e.distinct_id, e__override.distinct_id)
                                                        and(equals(e.team_id, 2), and(and(greaterOrEquals(toTimeZone(e.timestamp, 'US/Pacific'), toDateTime64('2024-07-25 00:00:00.000000', 6, 'US/Pacific')), lessOrEquals(toTimeZone(e.timestamp, 'US/Pacific'), toDateTime64('2024-08-01 23:59:59.999999', 6, 'US/Pacific'))), in(e.event, tuple('$pageview')), ifNull(notILike(nullIf(nullIf(mat_pp_email, ''), 'null'), ''), 1), and(ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$host`, ''), 'null'), ''), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$host`, ''), 'null'), ''), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$host`, ''), 'null'), 'localhost:5000'), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$host`, ''), 'null'), 'localhost:8000'), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$host`, ''), 'null'), 'localhost:8001'), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$host`, ''), 'null'), 'localhost'), 1)), ifNull(notILike(nullIf(nullIf(e.mat_distinct_id, ''), 'null'), ''), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(mat_pp_email, ''), 'null'), ''), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(mat_pp_email, ''), 'null'), ''), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.mat_realm, ''), 'null'), 'demo'), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(e.`mat_$ip`, ''), 'null'), ''), 1), ifNull(notEquals(nullIf(nullIf(mat_pp_email, ''), 'null'), ''), 1)), or(ifNull(equals(step_0, 1), 0), ifNull(equals(step_1, 1), 0), ifNull(equals(step_2, 1), 0)))))))
                                        ifNull(equals(step_0, 1), 0)))
                            GROUP BY
                                ifNull(equals(steps, max(max_steps)), isNull(steps) and isNull(max(max_steps))))
                            -- FIX 2
                            -- ifNull(equals(steps, 1), 0)
                            -- need to update to steps = 2, as we want to measure drop off after
                            -- second step
                            -- so here need to filter for users that only did the first 2 steps
                            -- nothing less/more
                            ifNull(equals(steps, 2), 0)
                        ORDER BY
                            aggregation_target ASC) AS funnel_actors ON equals(if(not(empty(events__override.distinct_id)), events__override.person_id, events.person_id), funnel_actors.actor_id)
                        and(equals(events.team_id, 2), greaterOrEquals(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'US/Pacific'), 
                        -- FIX 1
                        -- plus(toTimeZone(funnel_actors.timestamp, 'UTC'), toIntervalDay(14))
                        -- not sure why we're filtering for events after the conversion interval (14 days)
                        -- that totally drops off all the events we had within the funnel
                        toTimeZone(funnel_actors.timestamp, 'UTC')
                        ), and(greaterOrEquals(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'US/Pacific'), toStartOfDay(assumeNotNull(parseDateTime64BestEffortOrNull('2024-07-25 00:00:00', 6, 'US/Pacific')))), lessOrEquals(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'US/Pacific'), assumeNotNull(parseDateTime64BestEffortOrNull('2024-08-01 23:59:59', 6, 'US/Pacific')))), or(equals(events.event, '$pageview'), not(startsWith(events.event, '$'))))
                    ORDER BY
                        if(not(empty(events__override.distinct_id)), events__override.person_id, events.person_id) ASC,
                        toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'US/Pacific') ASC)
                GROUP BY
            ARRAY JOIN session_paths AS path_time_tuple, arrayEnumerate(session_paths) AS session_index)
        ARRAY JOIN limited_path_timings AS joined_path_tuple, arrayEnumerate(limited_path_timings) AS event_in_session_index))
    event_count DESC,
    source_event ASC,
    target_event ASC
LIMIT 50 SETTINGS readonly=2, max_execution_time=600, allow_experimental_object_type=1, format_csv_allow_double_quotes=0, max_ast_elements=2000000, max_expanded_ast_elements=2000000, max_query_size=1048576, max_bytes_before_external_group_by=23622320128
aspicer commented 1 month ago

It looks like the queries we're sending when we come from paths are different than when you generate it from funnels. Maybe just lacking "funnelFilters" and the "funnelVizType." It seems to cause it to return nothing.

