PostalBlab / hackaverde

Bonaverde Berlin ressources
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Feature reuquest: Investigate replacing the mainboard with a RasPi #1

Open MarcusWolschon opened 4 years ago

MarcusWolschon commented 4 years ago

Could it be possible to not use the Mainboard CPU?

  1. Measure timing information on the PORT D heater pin for light, medium and dark roasting profile
  2. Connect a Raspberry Pi to the TRIACS, heater and sensor inputs?
  3. Still use the power supply on the main board.
  4. Run our own software, controled via console/Wifi+app/touchscreen/whatever?
PostalBlab commented 4 years ago

That is of course possible, but the machine has to be taken apart which is a pain in the ass and not doable by everyone. But if you want to do it, i can share the disassembly infos i have.

MarcusWolschon commented 4 years ago

For replacing the firmware it has to be taken apart too, doesn't it?

PostalBlab commented 4 years ago

No, the SWD port is accessible from the front after removing the cover on the touch/rfid panel. It is visible in this image:

MarcusWolschon commented 4 years ago

That SWD port sounds like a great way to attach an ESP32 or a RasPi. So next steps: Find out the pinout of that header and attach a logic probe before scanning well known NFC cards.

MarcusWolschon commented 3 years ago

I got myself a second bonaverde for 50€ to take apart, attach probes to sensors and actuators and replace the entire main PCB (keeping the power pcb) with a Raspberry Pi+touchscreen or similar just operating the relays and reading the sensors.

MarcusWolschon commented 3 years ago

I have started a separate Github repository for doing the Raspberry Pi conversion. (Will upload later tonight) I already did the disassembly-instructions and am looking at the electronics right now.

Looks like a the inputs to the "power_control_pcb" from the front panel could be replaced without having to attach anything to the well housed high-voltage or high-power parts.