PostgREST / plmustache

Logic-less templates for Postgres
MIT License
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Nix workflow is clunky #5

Open steve-chavez opened 1 year ago

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago


To compile, right now I do:

$ nix-shell

And to recompile:

$ <Ctr-C to exit>
$ nix-shell # again


Similarly to the postgrest repo, a:

$ plmustache-watch plmustache-build

Would be ideal. Even just a plmustache-build command where exiting manually is not needed would be an improvement.

steve-chavez commented 5 hours ago

For solving this, I've realized that we need a extensions_dynamic_path config, which has been proposed before but not implemented.

I looked at the implementation and it didn't seem at all difficult but looks like other people are already on it:

Maybe we can include it as a patch for now.