PostgREST / postgrest

REST API for any Postgres database
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[dev] Refactoring roadmap #1804

Open monacoremo opened 3 years ago

monacoremo commented 3 years ago

With #1793, we've started the process of streamlining the codebase. This is a purely internal concern that will yield no additional features. It will, however:

Next steps include (in no particular order and to be completed - please feel free to edit)


steve-chavez commented 2 years ago

Putting another pending refactor here.

We had an issue where Content-Type was being considered for GET - invalid since it has no body. This happened mostly because a typing deficiency(still present). More details at

steve-chavez commented 2 years ago

unsafeHead went away on

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

Request: purely parse request, at most taking config into account. `parseRequest :: Wai.Request -> Either RequestError Request

Plan: Use db structure to validate and plan the request, including embeds. plan :: DbStructure -> Request -> Either PlanError QueryPlan

To do the above, ApiRequest should remove its dependency on DbStructure - which is needed by the variadic logic introduced on

After that findProc and others can be moved to Plan.hs and ApiRequest will be much cleaner.

I tried to do this on but it turned out difficult bc I'm not familiar with the variadic logic. @wolfgangwalther Would be great if you could help with that.

Ideally the proc logic shouldn't be where the body processing is done. Like on MTUrlEncoded here

That logic should happen after, on the Plan module.

wolfgangwalther commented 1 year ago

The challenge is, that ApiRequest does pass on URL parameters as iPayload, i.e. payload is either the request body or a json produced from the params. ApiRequest needs to split this up and have the params as just a [(Text, Text)] list. Then, Plan can do the list -> map later, taking the ProcDescription into account.

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

I've been thinking about how we transform requests, and seeing the The Internals of PostgreSQL query processing chapter here:

1. Parser
The parser generates a parse tree from an SQL statement in plain text.

2. Analyzer/Analyser
The analyzer/analyser carries out a semantic analysis of a parse tree and generates a query tree.

3. Rewriter
The rewriter transforms a query tree using the rules stored in the rule system if such rules exist.

4. Planner
The planner generates the plan tree that can most effectively be executed from the query tree.

5. Executor
The executor executes the query via accessing the tables and indexes in the order that was created by the plan tree.

It seems:

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

Edit: This won't work because we need to find the function on Haskell code first(with findProc).

To do the above, ApiRequest should remove its dependency on DbStructure - which is needed by the variadic logic introduced on The challenge is, that ApiRequest does pass on URL parameters as iPayload, i.e. payload is either the request body or a json produced from the params. ApiRequest needs to split this up and have the params as just a [(Text, Text)] list.

The above continues to be a major challenge and I don't believe it can be done cleanly on Haskell code. It continues to be a blocker for every time I tried it.

I believe the only feasible alternative is to parse the URL on SQL code. This would work for variadic and non-variadic payloads:

-- here "a" would be the variadic parameter
foo AS (
  SELECT string_to_array(x, '=') AS key_val FROM string_to_table('a=4&b=3&a=5&c=&d=11&d=15', '&') x
foo1 AS (
  SELECT key_val[1] as key, to_json(key_val[2]) as val FROM foo
  union all
  SELECT key_val[1] as key, json_agg(key_val[2]) as val from foo where key_val[1] = 'a' group by key 
foo2 AS(
  SELECT jsonb_object_agg(key, val) as res FROM foo1
SELECT * FROM jsonb_to_record((SELECT res FROM foo2 LIMIT 1)) AS (a int[], b int, c text, d int);

   a   | b | c | d
 {4,5} | 3 |   | 15

Then we can remove the variadic logic from ApiRequest. Doing this on SQL may have other benefits later as well, it may be possible to customize parsing the input with a custom function.

A higher fidelity example:

SELECT pgrst_call.*
  pgrst_url_encoded AS (
    SELECT string_to_array(x, '=') AS key_val FROM string_to_table('min=1&max=15', '&') x
  pgrst_url_encoded_repeated AS (
    SELECT key_val[1] as key, to_json(key_val[2]) as val FROM pgrst_url_encoded
    union all
    SELECT key_val[1] as key, json_agg(key_val[2]) as val from pgrst_url_encoded where key_val[1] = 'a' group by key
  SELECT jsonb_object_agg(key, val) as val FROM pgrst_url_encoded_repeated
) pgrst_payload,
  SELECT * FROM jsonb_to_record(pgrst_payload.val) AS _("min" int, "max" int)
) pgrst_body,
LATERAL "test"."getitemrange"("min" := pgrst_body.min, "max" := pgrst_body.max) pgrst_call;
steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

Continuing the above idea. Our App.hs module can be equated to the TrafficCop in PostgreSQL

These ideas can be used to structure our modules and to improve the

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

There are still some pending refactors but overall the structure now is in line with the original comment. Will unpin this issue as it's not urgent anymore. We can now grow the codebase in a more maintainable manner.

dbaynard commented 1 year ago

Congratulations — great job!

  • help with the onboarding of new contributors

As a (current) non-contributer I'm willing to help test this.