PostgREST / postgrest

REST API for any Postgres database
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PostgREST ignoring composite attribute types on functions #3156

Open lmunoz-tc opened 5 months ago

lmunoz-tc commented 5 months ago


Description of issue

I have the following Postgres types and cast declarations:

CREATE TYPE api_ns.my_contact_spec AS (
  id TEXT,
  type TEXT

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION api_ns.my_contact_spec_cast(api_ns.my_contact_spec)
RETURNS json AS $$ SELECT json_build_object('id', $, 'type', $1.type); $$

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION api_ns.my_contact_spec_cast(json)
RETURNS api_ns.my_contact_spec AS $$ SELECT ($1 #>> '{}')::api_ns.my_contact_spec; $$

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION api_ns.my_contact_spec_cast(text)
RETURNS api_ns.my_contact_spec AS $$ SELECT api_ns.my_contact_spec_cast($1::json); $$

CREATE CAST ( api_ns.my_contact_spec AS json )
WITH FUNCTION api_ns.my_contact_spec_cast(api_ns.my_contact_spec) AS IMPLICIT;

CREATE CAST ( json AS api_ns.my_contact_spec )
WITH FUNCTION api_ns.my_contact_spec_cast(json) AS IMPLICIT;

CREATE CAST ( text AS api_ns.my_contact_spec )
WITH FUNCTION api_ns.my_contact_spec_cast(text) AS IMPLICIT;

With this, I expect to have a composite type my_contact_spec with the ability to be casted back and forth between JSON, TEXT and the type itself. I'm following the relevant documentation as far as I can tell.

Then, I declare a Postgres function that takes in my_contact_spec parameters:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION api_ns.create_thing ( name TEXT
                                               , contacts api_ns.my_contact_spec[]
RETURNS other_namespace.some_table AS
DECLARE r_retval other_namespace.some_table%ROWTYPE;
  -- Some SQL that ends up populating the r_retval variable using an
  -- INSERT INTO other_namespace.some_table   ... RETURNING * INTO r_retval
  RETURN r_retval;

In the Open API specification being generated by PostgREST (v12.0.2, from Docker) I am seeing the following definition for the contacts argument:

        "parameters": [
            "format": "text",
            "in": "query",
            "name": "name",
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
            "format": "api_ns.my_contact_spec[]",
            "in": "query",
            "name": "contacts",
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"

When looking at the Swagger-UI generated example POST payload for this function, I see the following, directly derived from the definition above:

  "name": "string",
  "contacts": [

I was expecting something more along the lines of:

  "name": "string",
  "contacts": [
        "id": "string",
        "type": "string"

I think PostgREST is not traversing the type hierarchy for function arguments, which is why it seems to be assuming the type of the contacts argument to be a string. Provided that my setup is correct, is this expected, or can it be considered a bug?

If my setup is incorrect, I would appreciate a pointer.

Thanks very much in advance.

laurenceisla commented 5 months ago

Yes, this is a current limitation in the OpenAPI output. We're currently working on the postgrest-openapi repository, so this will be added there.