Postleaf / postleaf

Simple, beautiful publishing with Node.js.
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Postleaf CLI #27

Open lukewatts opened 7 years ago

lukewatts commented 7 years ago

It would be nice to have a feature similar to Laravel, Symfony, Doctrine, Grav CMS etc. where a user can run commands from the console to perform the following tasks:


postleaf init Run gulp build and setup db and files/folders required before startup and perhaps walk a user through prompts to set the .env variables. Like Yeoman.

This would also be a good way to auto generate the random hash, similar to how Laravel does it on install.

Package manager

postleaf theme <theme-name> Install themes e.g. postleaf theme empower


postleaf backup Backup/zip the following directories cache, data, themes, uploads

claviska commented 7 years ago

I agree. Init and backups are great examples. What other functions would be useful from the command line?

lukewatts commented 7 years ago

Backup/restore would be good. Clear cache also. And a search perhaps to show available themes. Also update to update postleaf

claviska commented 7 years ago

Updated the list. Eventually themes will be installed/removed directly from the admin panel. Any advantage to having it in the CLI?

lukewatts commented 7 years ago

Simpler to automate. Could install Postleaf with the preferred theme with a shell script/Docker/Vagrant/Chef etc

juan-manuel-alberro commented 7 years ago

What about a tool / command to migrate the posts from another CMS into Postleaf? Maybe only one tool (for the most used CMS, Wordpress for e.x.) as a base and then other contributors can create more tools based on that. Now I'm using Hugo (static .md files) in my site and I'm trying to figure it out how can I migrate all posts into Postleaf 😀