Povstalec / StargateJourney

A repository for the Stargate Journey Minecraft Mod
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DHD design improvement ideas #100

Open Samrel556 opened 2 months ago

Samrel556 commented 2 months ago

A couple ideas on how to improve the DHD In issue #5 it was stated the DHD was redesigned to use numbers due to everything already using numbers not symbols and the ease of using numbers instead of symbols given the need to memorize or write addresses down outside the game.

One of the main additions is a more in game way of finding and keeping addresses by right clicking a cartouche with a piece of paper and some charcoal/ coal to create a rubbing. Multiple rubbings can be combined into a book that one can shift-scroll through. This would allow players to keep addresses on their character and not necessitate writing of addresses outside of the game.

Using the aforementioned rubbings one could right click the DHD while holding it and the address would render on a piece of paper in the GUI of DHD allowing players to match the shapes of the symbols making it easier to enter addresses.

Povstalec commented 2 months ago

You know, the charcoal + paper is a pretty cool idea. I was just going to have a Notepad item that would basically be just a book that can store addresses, but being able to keep individual Addresses on paper that you could then put inside or take out of a book sounds interesting.

With that being said, people are still people. Most of them won't be all too excited to play a game of "find this symbol" especially not with how some of the Pegasus symbols were deliberately made to look similar in the show in order to make it harder for nerds to debate about them.

There will most likely be a "press shift to display numbers" thing with the DHD to make it easier for people to dial and possibly create mental connection between symbols and numbers. But yes, a nice idea that I'll probably tweak when I get to it to use it.

WinMister332 commented 2 months ago

That's actually not a bad idea. And it'd be a fair compromise. Another more "technical" way could be some form of portable address computer which will allow saving gate addresses (as either symbols or numerals) and it'll display as either when the gate needs to be dialed. Doing both allows the possibility of the "less advanced species" relying on the rubbings for gate travel, where the more advanced species like the Goa'uld or even the Tau'ri would use more technological means.

This could also be useful if you decide to setup a trade system, like between the player and the Abydonians for example, as it'd stand to reason they'd trade rubbings rather then dialing computers. Where maybe if you were to (somehow) trade with the Goa'uld or a more advanced species, it's less likely they'd trade rubbings and just trade a more advanced version of the same thing.

But hey, that's just a suggestion.

Povstalec commented 2 months ago

Well, considering the fact the Cartouches were left behind by the Goa'uld, they'd probably give you those. But yes, I do suppose different races would have different ways of recording addresses.

darthzapp commented 1 month ago

I think the charcoal + paper is a pretty cool idea and the technical way is a pretty cool idea too. I would prefer the technikal way because I dont realy like the find the butten game, im sorry.

Back to the dialing, The paper could store the address at rightclicking in the gate and load it into the dhd with rightclicking. The computer could store a list and be like a portable dhd like in the universe schow (im not sure if it exist there). But i like the CCTweaked interface a lot i wrote a programm wich stores te address on a floppy and you can use a redstone button to dial.

But back to dialing again, the find the button game could be replaced if every button has a key and every address could also be written with letters so you can type the adress with the keyboard. I mean something like a dynamic name system or something like HEX but not ending with F. I dont wanna sugsest a complete new address system but i think its cool if you can chose what you use or its predefined at the config file.

To the design: A DHD button could show a big symbol, a small number, and a small letter...