Povstalec / StargateJourney

A repository for the Stargate Journey Minecraft Mod
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[Suggestion] Masking stargates #17

Open slava110 opened 9 months ago

slava110 commented 9 months ago

In AUNIS mod (only available for 1.12) you could've used blocks on stargate to mask it. This way people were able to make awesome platforms for the mod or just place it into the ground a bit. sddefault I think this mechanic could be implemented in this mod and reimagined a bit. Instead of masking only bottom blocks like in AUNIS maybe all blocks should be maskable? With that buried stargates will actually be in sand. What do you think?

Povstalec commented 9 months ago

Yes, that is actually something I have planned.

Eventually I'll add a sort of inventory to the gates and allow players to place blocks to mask them, that way they'll be able to make gates buried in sand or encased in rock.