Povstalec / StargateJourney

A repository for the Stargate Journey Minecraft Mod
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Issue with sawmill #79

Open Tomat777 opened 4 months ago

Tomat777 commented 4 months ago

All info here https://github.com/MehVahdJukaar/sawmill/issues/19

Povstalec commented 4 months ago

Some kind of description or context would be very much appreciated. Raw errors do tell me what went wrong, but not really why it went wrong.

Tomat777 commented 4 months ago

Whe using sawmill 1.3.2+ version game crashes when trying to create new world idk what else i can describe

Povstalec commented 4 months ago

Hmm, well it's weird that it would happen on world creation, but alright, now I at least know when it happens, thanks.