Povstalec / StargateJourney

A repository for the Stargate Journey Minecraft Mod
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Tag `sgjourney:wormhole_ignores` does nothing #94

Closed Ktlo closed 3 months ago

Ktlo commented 3 months ago

I want to prevent teleportation for some entity types and I found tag sgjourney:wormhole_ignores. I assumed that this tag should do the thing, but it didn't change anything. Moreover the entities that I wanted to add were already listed there (create contraptions entities). Did I get it wrong and tag is used for other reasons?

Povstalec commented 3 months ago

The tag is used for the wormhole ignoring entities when it's deciding whether or not it should close automatically, which means it has nothing to do with actual teleportation.

Ktlo commented 3 months ago

I see. But shouldn't there be a way to prevent certain types of entities from teleporting? I'm trying to make create trains go throw the star gates, but the create:carriage_contraption entity tries to teleport to other dimension. This causes the game to crash when the player enters this dimension.

Povstalec commented 3 months ago

Well, I didn't really think of a having certain Entities not get teleported, but sure, if it helps, I can add a tag that will let you specify entities that can't be teleported. Probably gonna call it #sgjourney:wormhole_cannot_teleport but check the changelog just to make sure once I release the next version, I usually include info about new tags there if I don't forget about it.

Ktlo commented 3 months ago

Thank you in advance!

Povstalec commented 2 months ago

Okay, the update with the new tag is out