Power-Components / livewire-powergrid

⚡ PowerGrid generates modern, powerful and easy-to-customize data tables using Laravel Livewire.
MIT License
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I did an installation from scratch with laravel 10.43 and installed livewire 3 and then installed powergrid 5 #1373

Closed luanfreitasdev closed 5 months ago

luanfreitasdev commented 5 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/Power-Components/livewire-powergrid/discussions/1371

Originally posted by **LeandroAndrade2020** February 2, 2024 I've done different installations and always getting this error: Method PowerComponents\LivewirePowerGrid\PowerGridFields::addColumn does not exist. And showing that it is in this part of the code: public function fields(): PowerGridFields { return PowerGrid::fields() ->addColumn('id') ->addColumn('name') ->addColumn('email') ->addColumn('created_at_formatted', fn (User $model) => Carbon::parse($model->created_at)->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')); } ![Captura de tela de 2024-02-02 17-06-31](https://github.com/Power-Components/livewire-powergrid/assets/62396904/07ccc010-1948-4315-a84d-0aa413eab8e6)
luanfreitasdev commented 5 months ago
