Power-Components / livewire-powergrid

⚡ PowerGrid generates modern, powerful and easy-to-customize data tables using Laravel Livewire.
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[FIX] Fixes issue with empty th appearing when no data in table. (#1428) #1436

Closed cdterry87 closed 5 months ago

cdterry87 commented 5 months ago

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This pull request fixes the issue in which an empty <th> appears when there is no data present in a table. In the components/table/th-empty.blade.php file, the container element was a <th> tag with a <tr> inside it. A <th> tag is used for table cells rather than table rows. Therefore, the container element should be the <tr> tag, and instead of a <td> tag for the table cell, we can use <th>.

Related Issue(s): #1428 .


This PR requires Documentation update?

luanfreitasdev commented 5 months ago

Thank you for this contribution!