Power-Components / livewire-powergrid

⚡ PowerGrid generates modern, powerful and easy-to-customize data tables using Laravel Livewire.
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[FEATURE] Add noDataLabel to customize "no records found" message #1458

Closed dansysanalyst closed 3 months ago

dansysanalyst commented 4 months ago

⚡ PowerGrid - Pull Request

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This Pull Request adds the possibility to customize the no-data message ("No records found") individually in each component.

Individualized messages can be useful when having multiple PowerGrid components on the same page, and they also to provide more contextualized messages to users.


The user may override the method noDataLabel() returning his own message.

use Illuminate\View\View;

class DishTable extends PowerGridComponent

    public function noDataLabel(): string|View
        return 'We could not find any dish matching your search.';

For the user's convenience, the method may also return a View.

use Illuminate\View\View;

class DishTable extends PowerGridComponent
    public function noDataLabel(): string|View
        return view('dishes.no-data');

I will provide a PR in PowerGrid's documentation once the implementation is approved.

Related Issue(s): #_____.


This PR requires Documentation update?