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Information sent between cycle_starting/started and cycle_ending/ended #3

Closed chriskohlhoff closed 3 years ago

chriskohlhoff commented 3 years ago

Was just looking at that market data sequence diagram, but this may apply to the other protocols as well. It may be worth listing the kinds of messages you can receive between the cycle_starting/started and cycle_ending/ended pairs. For example, here:


In general the following between cycle_starting and cycle_started you will receive information that "carries over" from before the cycle started. For market data this means:

After cycle_started, we're now in the real-time market data phase, which can include new reference data (e.g. for newly added options), as well as any of the other messages.

Between cycle_ending and cycle_ended you may receive deletions for orders that are expiring (display_order_deleted for orders who have reached the end of their good_for_cycles).

kernelbee commented 3 years ago

@chriskohlhoff : thank you very much again; the mentioned suggestion is implemented and can be reviewed in: https://github.com/Power-Trade/api-docs/commit/5716d0054764b6c619c42e04b6bab4aa0df9d923

kernelbee commented 3 years ago
kernelbee commented 3 years ago

Was addressed, so closing as done