PowerBroker2 / DFPlayerMini_Fast

Fast and easy to understand Arduino library to use the DFPlayer Mini MP3 module from DFRobot.com. This is a huge improvement (both in terms of execution speed and simplicity) to the standard library provided by DFRobot.com.
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Obscure quirk #56

Closed terrypin999 closed 2 years ago

terrypin999 commented 2 years ago


Not optimistic about getting a response but still…

terrypin999 commented 2 years ago

Continued trying to isolate the cause.

  1. Changed the sketch to use the original DFRobot library "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h" So eliminating this library. But I'll leave it open in the faint hope someone may have any suggestion please.

  2. Used the respective 'play next' functions of the two libaries, directly after playing track 9

    Both gave same result as before, ignored track 10, adding to the mystery.