PowerBroker2 / ELMduino

Arduino OBD-II Bluetooth Scanner Interface Library for Car Hacking Projects
MIT License
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Did not get right Data from ELM327 - "Long query detected" #154

Closed ReelHiJacker closed 1 year ago

ReelHiJacker commented 1 year ago

I'm building a DPF Monitor based on ESP32 for my Opel Insignia with the help of this code https://www.instructables.com/Opel-DPF-Indicator-Monitor/ Because it did not work for me, i tried building a test sketch. When i'm using only rpm Data, i'm getting the right information. But when i add the parameter "soot level", i did not get any values.

So i checked Serial Monitor and this is what i get: After Connected to ELM327 this is what Serial Monitor shows: Service: 1 PID: 12 Normal length query detected Query string: 010C1 Clearing input serial buffer Sending the following command/query: 010C1 Service: 34 PID: 13162 Long query detected Query string: 22336A1 Clearing input serial buffer Sending the following command/query: 22336A0 Received char: S Service: 34 PID: 13162 Long query detected Query string: 22336A1 Clearing input serial buffer Sending the following command/query: 22336A0 Received char: \r

and then it get stucked an repeats over and over Service: 34 PID: 13162 Long query detected Query string: 22336A1 Clearing input serial buffer Sending the following command/query: 22336A0 Received char: \r

So my next attempt was to check if the pid is correct, so i used your test sketch an this is what i get in serial monitor for the soot PID 22336A 62336A4C

So this seems to be correct, 4C is the right data what i want to see. So ELM327 is working.

And now i'm stucked and have no idea what is wrong...

And here is my code of course. I tried many things, and read every issue here in github, but don't know what is the problem. Hope you can help me. I also tried different baud rates, it changes nothing...

#include "BluetoothSerial.h"
#include "ELMduino.h"

#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Free_Fonts.h"
#include "opel.h"

BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
#define ELM_PORT   SerialBT
#define DEBUG_PORT Serial

uint8_t address[6] = {0x13, 0xE0, 0x2F, 0x8D, 0x52, 0xF3};

ELM327 myELM327;

TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(135, 240);

void setup()
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  ELM_PORT.begin("ArduHUD", true);

  tft.pushImage(0, 0, 240, 135, opel);

  if (!ELM_PORT.connect(address))
    DEBUG_PORT.println("Couldn't connect to OBD scanner - Phase 1");
      tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
      tft.println("OBD error 1");     

  if (!myELM327.begin(ELM_PORT, true, 2000))
    Serial.println("Couldn't connect to OBD scanner - Phase 2");
      tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
      tft.println("OBD Error 2"); 
    while (1);

  Serial.println("Connected to ELM327");

void loop() {

  int32_t rpm = -1;
  int32_t soot = -1;

  float tempRPM = myELM327.rpm();
  if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_SUCCESS)
    rpm = (int32_t)tempRPM;
    Serial.print("RPM: "); Serial.println(rpm);

  if (myELM327.queryPID(34,13162))
    int32_t tempSoot = myELM327.findResponse();

    if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_SUCCESS)
      soot = tempSoot;
      Serial.print("DPF soot: "); Serial.println(soot);

      oneScreen(rpm, soot);


void oneScreen (uint16_t rpm, uint8_t dpfSoot){

      if (dpfSoot > 130) {dpfSoot = 0;}
      if (rpm > 7000) {rpm = 0;}

  tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);


  tft.drawString("DPF:", 10, 5, 4);
  tft.drawString(String(dpfSoot), 130, 5, 4);

  tft.drawString("RPM :", 10, 83, 4);
  tft.drawString(String(rpm), 130, 83, 4);


void printError()
  if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_SUCCESS) 
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_NO_RESPONSE)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_NO_RESPONSE"));
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_BUFFER_OVERFLOW"));
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_GARBAGE)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_GARBAGE"));
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT"));
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_NO_DATA)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_NO_DATA"));
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_STOPPED)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_STOPPED"));
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_TIMEOUT)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT"));
  else if (myELM327.nb_rx_state == ELM_GENERAL_ERROR)
    Serial.println(F("\tERROR: ELM_GENERAL_ERROR")); 

seb30 commented 1 year ago

I'm also driving a B20DTH and using successfully this lib on a ESP32. Check out my repo, maybe it helps:


ReelHiJacker commented 1 year ago

@seb30 Thank you, i will try this... it looks a way better than my old lib... ;-)

seb30 commented 1 year ago

My last change was adding a buzzer to acoustically notify about beginning and end of a regen.

ReelHiJacker commented 1 year ago

@seb30 Your lib is working perfect, thank you very much. I tried it the first time when i was driving home and exact the moment i wan't to turn of the car it starts burning dpf free :-) So very usefull as i expected. Thank you very much for sharing!!

seb30 commented 1 year ago

@ReelHiJacker So, this was just in time. I'm glad that I could help you.