Closed Attigliuzzo closed 3 years ago
Perhaps the failure is due to String OR just problems with the underlying libraries, see Out-Of-Memory on ESP32 and ESP8266 – Add Periodic Automatic Reboots
However to convert to SafeString you need to pass a SafeString &result as an argument because SafeString prohibits the memory allocation needed to handle a return value. See the SafeString library tutorial. The section on Passing SafeStrings to methods as references and returning SafeString results
void sendData(SafeString& response , SafeString& command, const int timeout, boolean debug) {
response = ""; //initialize a String variable named "response". we will use it later.
Serial.print(command); //send the AT command to the esp8266 (from ARDUINO to ESP8266).
long int time = millis(); //get the operating time at this specific moment and save it inside the "time" variable.
while( (time+timeout) > millis()) //excute only whitin 1 second.
while(Serial.available()) //is there any response came from the ESP8266 and saved in the Arduino input buffer?
char c =; //if yes, read the next character from the input buffer and save it in the "response" String variable.
response+=c; //append the next character to the response variabl. at the end we will get a string(array of characters) contains the response.
if(debug) //if the "debug" variable value is TRUE, print the response on the Serial monitor.
return; //return the String response.
Then somewhere at the top of your code create the SafeString to hold the response and command
createSafeString(response,80); // good for 80 response
createSafeString(command,80); // good for 80 char cmd
Now your real problem is outputing the errors since you are using Serial for the ESP AT coms. Two things you can do:- i) set up a SoftwareSerial to send the errors to SafeString::setOutput(softwareSerial) and connect that to your computer (via TTL-usb cable OR another UNO (softwareSerial in Serial out to your computer) ii) Turn on the UNO led on SafeString errors i.e.
void loop() {
if (SafeString::errorDetected()) {
// . . .
Thanks for your tricks and your library (especially the GPS example, i learned a lot).
I have already implemented a reboot of my esp8266 every 24 hours using AT commands, i hope this solve my issues but i'll read your links. My project uses an Arduino UNO but at home i test the code with a mega pro with its multiple serial ports to redirect the debug. Thanks again
Hi. I'm a noob programmer and my question is, we know i can write something like this:
Can it be possible something similar but using safestring? i mean eg. "safestring sendData(........){......}" Thanks
This code is used with an esp8266-01 and i want to understand if the failure of my system to run for days is due of String overflow.