PowerDNS / pdns

PowerDNS Authoritative, PowerDNS Recursor, dnsdist
GNU General Public License v2.0
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pdns-server: double free crash with --version #14027

Open devicenull opened 5 months ago

devicenull commented 5 months ago

Short description

When the libbindbackend.so module is loaded, pdns_server --version crashes

Apr 03 19:40:28 PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.9.0 (C) PowerDNS.COM BV
Apr 03 19:40:28 Using 64-bits mode. Built using gcc 12.2.0 on Apr  3 2024 19:01:37 by builder@devicenu11.sysops.wordpress.com.
Apr 03 19:40:28 PowerDNS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it according to the terms of the GPL version 2.
Apr 03 19:40:28 Features: libcrypto-ecdsa libcrypto-ed25519 libcrypto-ed448 libcrypto-eddsa lua lua-records protobuf curl scrypt
Apr 03 19:40:28 Built-in modules: bind gmysql
Apr 03 19:40:28 Loading '/usr/local/lib/pdns/libbindbackend.so'
Apr 03 19:40:28 Loaded modules: bind gmysql
Apr 03 19:40:28 Configured with: ""
free(): double free detected in tcache 2
Apr 03 19:40:28 Got a signal 6, attempting to print trace:
Apr 03 19:40:28 pdns_server(+0x1765f0) [0x5609755485f0]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3c050) [0x7f84f7c5b050]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x8ae2c) [0x7f84f7ca9e2c]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x12) [0x7f84f7c5afb2]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0xd3) [0x7f84f7c45472]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x7f430) [0x7f84f7c9e430]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x947aa) [0x7f84f7cb37aa]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x96a36) [0x7f84f7cb5a36]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_free+0x6f) [0x7f84f7cb7e8f]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3e55d) [0x7f84f7c5d55d]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3e69a) [0x7f84f7c5d69a]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x27251) [0x7f84f7c46251]
Apr 03 19:40:28 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x85) [0x7f84f7c46305]
Apr 03 19:40:28 pdns_server(_start+0x21) [0x56097552c861]


Steps to reproduce

  1. On debian bookworm:
  2. apt-get -fqqy install pkg-config libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libluajit-5.1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev lua5.1 libcurl4-gnutls-dev patchelf default-libmysqlclient-dev libsqlite3-dev
  3. extract powerdns source
  4. ./configure; make; make install
  5. pdns_server --version <-- crashes
  6. rm -f /usr/local/lib/pdns/*bind*
  7. pdns_server --version <-- doesn't crash

Expected behaviour

no crashes :)

Actual behaviour

crashes :)

Other information

I swear I'm going crazy

Note: I was testing with clang which is why the initial version had CC= options there, but it reproduces w/ gcc too

zeha commented 5 months ago

Given clang isn't the default compiler, this seems incomplete at best:

  1. ./configure; make; make install
devicenull commented 5 months ago

==2409397== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2409397== Copyright (C) 2002-2022, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2409397== Using Valgrind-3.19.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2409397== Command: pdns_server --version
Apr 03 19:39:21 PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.9.0 (C) PowerDNS.COM BV
Apr 03 19:39:21 Using 64-bits mode. Built using gcc 12.2.0 on Apr  3 2024 19:01:37 by builder@devicenu11.sysops.wordpress.com.
Apr 03 19:39:21 PowerDNS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it according to the terms of the GPL version 2.
Apr 03 19:39:21 Features: libcrypto-ecdsa libcrypto-ed25519 libcrypto-ed448 libcrypto-eddsa lua lua-records protobuf curl scrypt
Apr 03 19:39:21 Built-in modules: bind gmysql
Apr 03 19:39:21 Loading '/usr/local/lib/pdns/libbindbackend.so'
Apr 03 19:39:21 Loaded modules: bind gmysql
Apr 03 19:39:21 Configured with: ""
==2409397== Invalid read of size 8
==2409397==    at 0x51EBF5: operator boost::multi_index::detail::ordered_index_node_compressed_base<boost::multi_index::detail::null_augment_policy, std::allocator<char> >::pointer (ord_index_node.hpp:176)
==2409397==    by 0x51EBF5: root (ord_index_impl.hpp:1050)
==2409397==    by 0x51EBF5: delete_all_nodes_ (ord_index_impl.hpp:812)
==2409397==    by 0x51EBF5: delete_all_nodes_ (multi_index_container.hpp:945)
==2409397==    by 0x51EBF5: ~multi_index_container (multi_index_container.hpp:334)
==2409397==    by 0x51EBF5: SharedLockGuarded<boost::multi_index::multi_index_container<BB2DomainInfo, boost::multi_index::indexed_by<boost::multi_index::ordered_unique<boost::multi_index::member<BB2DomainInfo, unsigned int, &BB2DomainInfo::d_id>, mpl_::na, mpl_::na>, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique<boost::multi_index::tag<NameTag, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na>, boost::multi_index::member<BB2DomainInfo, DNSName, &BB2DomainInfo::d_name>, mpl_::na>, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na>, std::allocator<BB2DomainInfo> > >::~SharedLockGuarded() (lock.hh:413)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF55C: __run_exit_handlers (exit.c:116)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF699: exit (exit.c:146)
==2409397==    by 0x51A8250: (below main) (libc_start_call_main.h:74)
==2409397==  Address 0x60fe188 is 296 bytes inside a block of size 320 free'd
==2409397==    at 0x484399B: operator delete(void*, unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:935)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF55C: __run_exit_handlers (exit.c:116)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF699: exit (exit.c:146)
==2409397==    by 0x51A8250: (below main) (libc_start_call_main.h:74)
==2409397==  Block was alloc'd at
==2409397==    at 0x4840F2F: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:422)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: allocate (new_allocator.h:137)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: allocate (alloc_traits.h:464)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: allocate_node (multi_index_container.hpp:644)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: header_holder (header_holder.hpp:35)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: multi_index_container (multi_index_container.hpp:176)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: SharedLockGuarded (lock.hh:424)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 (bindbackend2.cc:77)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: _GLOBAL__sub_I_bindbackend2.cc (bindbackend2.cc:1549)
==2409397==    by 0x40048BD: call_init (dl-init.c:90)
==2409397==    by 0x40048BD: call_init (dl-init.c:27)
==2409397==    by 0x40049A3: _dl_init (dl-init.c:137)
==2409397==    by 0x52D0023: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:182)
==2409397==    by 0x400B09D: dl_open_worker (dl-open.c:808)
==2409397==    by 0x52CFFC9: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:208)
==2409397==    by 0x400B437: _dl_open (dl-open.c:884)
==2409397==    by 0x5206437: dlopen_doit (dlopen.c:56)
==2409397==    by 0x52CFFC9: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:208)
==2409397==    by 0x52D007E: _dl_catch_error (dl-error-skeleton.c:227)
==2409397==    by 0x5205F26: _dlerror_run (dlerror.c:138)
==2409397== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==2409397==    at 0x484399B: operator delete(void*, unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:935)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF55C: __run_exit_handlers (exit.c:116)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF699: exit (exit.c:146)
==2409397==    by 0x51A8250: (below main) (libc_start_call_main.h:74)
==2409397==  Address 0x60fe060 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 320 free'd
==2409397==    at 0x484399B: operator delete(void*, unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:935)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF55C: __run_exit_handlers (exit.c:116)
==2409397==    by 0x51BF699: exit (exit.c:146)
==2409397==    by 0x51A8250: (below main) (libc_start_call_main.h:74)
==2409397==  Block was alloc'd at
==2409397==    at 0x4840F2F: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:422)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: allocate (new_allocator.h:137)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: allocate (alloc_traits.h:464)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: allocate_node (multi_index_container.hpp:644)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: header_holder (header_holder.hpp:35)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: multi_index_container (multi_index_container.hpp:176)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: SharedLockGuarded (lock.hh:424)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 (bindbackend2.cc:77)
==2409397==    by 0x625E9E4: _GLOBAL__sub_I_bindbackend2.cc (bindbackend2.cc:1549)
==2409397==    by 0x40048BD: call_init (dl-init.c:90)
==2409397==    by 0x40048BD: call_init (dl-init.c:27)
==2409397==    by 0x40049A3: _dl_init (dl-init.c:137)
==2409397==    by 0x52D0023: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:182)
==2409397==    by 0x400B09D: dl_open_worker (dl-open.c:808)
==2409397==    by 0x52CFFC9: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:208)
==2409397==    by 0x400B437: _dl_open (dl-open.c:884)
==2409397==    by 0x5206437: dlopen_doit (dlopen.c:56)
==2409397==    by 0x52CFFC9: _dl_catch_exception (dl-error-skeleton.c:208)
==2409397==    by 0x52D007E: _dl_catch_error (dl-error-skeleton.c:227)
==2409397==    by 0x5205F26: _dlerror_run (dlerror.c:138)
==2409397== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2409397==     in use at exit: 127,398 bytes in 63 blocks
==2409397==   total heap usage: 8,326 allocs, 8,264 frees, 2,257,971 bytes allocated
==2409397== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2409397==    definitely lost: 472 bytes in 4 blocks
==2409397==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2409397==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2409397==    still reachable: 126,926 bytes in 59 blocks
==2409397==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2409397== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==2409397== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2409397== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)```
rgacogne commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry if it looks like a dumb question but I have been bitten by this several times: are you sure that /usr/local/lib/pdns/libbindbackend.so is the one you just built (ie, it matches the pdns_server you are running)?

zeha commented 5 months ago

@rgacogne some discussion on IRC yesterday revealed that builds now produce a builtin bind AND and an .so module.

This point still needs investigating though.

Habbie commented 5 months ago

Yes, it looks like we might be generating the bind .so even when bindbackend is linked statically, perhaps as late as make install. Indeed this calls for investigation.

tomwijnroks commented 2 months ago

I can confirm this pdns_server --version crash using environment: