Open zeha opened 6 years ago
Maybe only somewhat related - but some types also try to default to unordered_map if I understand this correctly.
> getPool("default"):getCache():isFull()
Command returned an object we can't print: Trying to cast a lua variable from "boolean" to "N5boost8optionalINS_7variantISsJSt10shared_ptrI15DownstreamStateEP11ClientStateSt13unordered_mapISsdSt4hashISsESt8equal_toISsESaISt4pairIKSsdEEEEEEEE"
That error specifically means that dnsdist is trying to understand the object as either:
but nothing else :)
Short description
Some commands or user-made functions may return tables, and there is no way to look at them.
For std::unordered_map<string, double> there's an internal implementation for printing.
Inspect tables regardless of their contents.
Include an inspection tool in box.
@Habbie likes
I used the other day.