PowerDNS / pdns_recursor-ansible

PowerDNS Recursor Ansible role
MIT License
42 stars 49 forks source link

Unable to install latest version from ansible-galaxy #180

Open l00d3r opened 6 months ago

l00d3r commented 6 months ago


Looks like ansible galaxy has two repos of powerdns recursor role (PowerDNS.PowerDNS.pdns_recursor and PowerDNS.pdns_recursor) but the one with the latest version (PowerDNS.PowerDNS.pdns_recursor) seems to not be installable:

computer:ansible user$ ansible-galaxy role install PowerDNS.PowerDNS.pdns_recursor
Starting galaxy role install process
- downloading role 'pdns_recursor', owned by PowerDNS.PowerDNS
[WARNING]: - PowerDNS.PowerDNS.pdns_recursor was NOT installed successfully: - sorry, PowerDNS.PowerDNS.pdns_recursor was not found on https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/.
ERROR! - you can use --ignore-errors to skip failed roles and finish processing the list.
Wolfeg commented 5 months ago

current workaround is to use git as role source requirements.yml:

- name: PowerDNS.pdns_recursor
  src: https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns_recursor-ansible
  version: v1.7.1
TypeMayVary commented 2 weeks ago

Any chance for a fix for this? Seems a pretty self-explanatory and simple to fix. My team makes use of the ansible role, but we're not able to automatically update this role from galaxy due to this. The workaround via GitHub repo is not possible for us so we're currently hosting a local tarball which isn't ideal.