PowerDataHub / terraform-aws-airflow

Terraform module to deploy an Apache Airflow cluster on AWS, backed by RDS PostgreSQL for metadata, S3 for logs and SQS as message broker with CeleryExecutor
Apache License 2.0
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Issues deploying an Airflow cluster due to obsolete ami image default and environment provisioning failure in EC2 instances. #37

Open jmvictoria opened 4 years ago

jmvictoria commented 4 years ago

Hi all and greetings for this great job.

  1. The default ami image used to deploy EC2 instances is no longer available (at least in eu-west-1 zone), I must use the more recent: ami-089cc16f7f08c4457" # ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-20200611, instead setting it in main.tf with "ami =" option without problem.

  2. In EC2 instance provisining file "cloud-init.sh" I got a failure setting the Airflow environment variables in /etc/environment due to incorrect line format in file because of the use of preceding "export ", to avoid that I propose the next patch:

--- .terraform/modules/airflow_cluster/terraform-aws-airflow-0.12.0/files/cloud-init.sh.orig    2020-06-25 11:42:51.153032110 +0000
+++ .terraform/modules/airflow_cluster/terraform-aws-airflow-0.12.0/files/cloud-init.sh 2020-06-26 06:42:23.942287388 +0000
@@ -92,11 +92,12 @@

    cat /etc/environment | sudo tee -a /tmp/airflow_environment
    cat /tmp/custom_env | sudo tee -a /tmp/airflow_environment
-   sed 's/^/export /' -- </tmp/airflow_environment | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
+    sudo cp /tmp/airflow_environment /etc/environment
+   sed 's/^/export /' -- </tmp/airflow_environment | sudo tee -a /tmp/airflow_exportenv
    sudo cat /tmp/airflow.service >> /etc/systemd/system/airflow.service
    cat /tmp/airflow_environment | sudo tee -a /etc/sysconfig/airflow

-   source /etc/environment
+   source /tmp/airflow_exportenv

    if [ "$AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_DEFAULTS" = false ]; then
            airflow upgradedb

Best regards,

Juan M.Victoria