PowerShell / ConsoleGuiTools

Modules that mix PowerShell and GUIs/CUIs!
MIT License
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Build updates and compliant release pipeline #168

Closed andyleejordan closed 2 years ago

andyleejordan commented 2 years ago

Sets up a compliant build pipeline to do a new release of this project.

tig commented 2 years ago

I believe other defunct artifacts include:

Also, this part of ./README.md is not quite accurate and may confuse peeps:

## (Deprecated) Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools Architecture

Due to the quirks of the PowerShell threading implementation, the design of
GUIs in this application are non-standard. The cmdlet invokes an Avalonia
application as a separate process to guarantee the GUI is running on the main
thread. Graphical tools therefore consists of 3 .NET Projects.

- Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools - Cmdlet implementations
- OutGridView.Gui - Implementation of the Out-GridView window
- OutGridView.Models - Contains data contracts between the GUI & Cmdlet

I'd write it as

Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools Architecture

`GraphicalTools' consists of 3 .NET Projects:

Note: Previously, GraphicalTools also included the Avalonia-based Out-GridView which was implemented in .\Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools and .\OutGridView.Gui. These components have been deprecated (see note above).