PowerShell / DSC

This repo is for the DSC v3 project
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Add ability to have extensions to `dsc.exe` #461

Open SteveL-MSFT opened 2 weeks ago

SteveL-MSFT commented 2 weeks ago

Summary of the new feature / enhancement

We should allow for community extensions to dsc.exe so they show up as sub-commands. For example we may want to have dsc cache --clear which is supported by PS-Adapter extension.

Proposed technical implementation details (optional)

Extensions should be executables (or maybe an extension manifest?) that have -dsc suffix to the command, like cache-dsc.exe

michaeltlombardi commented 6 days ago


  1. Define a set of extension points for where/how the extension can interact with DSC.
  2. Require a manifest, with a similar data structure as resources to indicate how the extension integrates.

1. Extension Points

I think we probably want to define a few common extension points to enable hooking into existing DSC commands. Separately, we should consider whether we want to support something similar to the GitHub CLI extension model, where integrating developers can define new commands for DSC.

Proposed built-in extension points

Theoretically, an extension could do more than one of these, but it's probably better to have separate manifests, even if the app is shared across the three kinds.

### Example command extensions ```sh # Extension that shows a node graph for a configuration document or result cat ./app.config.dsc.yaml | dsc graph # Show node graph for config document dsc config get | dsc graph # Show node graph for get result # Extension that shows terminal-help for resources dsc explain --resource Microsoft/OSInfo # Show full help dsc explain --resource Microsoft/OSInfo --property codename # Show property help only dsc explain --manifest ./tstoy.dsc.resource.json # Inspect manifest for help # Extension that helps with resource manifest DevX dsc manifest new --type TailspinToys/tstoy --capabilities Get, Set, Export # Scaffold manifest dsc manifest new --interactive # Create with prompts dsc manifest validate ./tstoy.dsc.resource.json # Test manifest dsc manifest show ./tstoy.dsc.resource.json # Pretty-print manifest dsc manifest show ./tstoy.dsc.resource.json --schema # Pretty-print schema # Extension that handles packaging, installing, updating resources # Validate that the MyResource folder has everything needed to publish a resource package dsc package validate --folder ./MyResource # Package the resource for publishing dsc package build --folder ./MyResource --output-folder ./packages # Publish the resource to the default repository dsc package publish ./packages/MyOrg.MyResource.dsc.package.json # Search the GitHub container registry for resources dsc package find resource # List all locally installed packages dsc package list # Update locally installed packages dsc package update ```

2. Manifests

I think that we should either require standalone manifests for an extension or extend the resource manifest to enable defining extensions. I'm hesitant to support both for the complexity/ambiguity.

I prefer a standalone manifest from an integration, testing, and packaging perspective.

### Cache extension ```yaml $schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/bundled/extension/manifest.json type: Microsoft.DSC/PowerShellCache description: Manage caching adapted PowerShell resources tags: - PowerShell cache: init: executable: pwsh args: - -NoLogo - -NonInteractive - -NoProfile - -Command - './psDscAdapter/powershell.cache.ps1' clear: executable: pwsh args: - -NoLogo - -NonInteractive - -NoProfile - -Command - './psDscAdapter/powershell.cache.ps1 -Clear' refresh: executable: pwsh args: - -NoLogo - -NonInteractive - -NoProfile - -Command - './psDscAdapter/powershell.cache.ps1 -Refresh' ```
### Example resolver extension manifest ```yaml $schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/bundled/extension/manifest.json type: Microsoft.DSC/InstanceGenerator description: Pre-process a configuration to generate instances from a configuration function. tags: - DevX resolve: executable: dsc-igen input: stdin ```
### Example custom command extension manifest (args) ```yaml $schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/bundled/extension/manifest.json type: Microsoft.DSC.Docs/Explain tags: - Docs - Help customCommand: executable: dsc-explain help: arg: --help command: help args: - name: --resource type: string description: The type of the resource to show help for. - name: --property type: string description: The property of the resource to show help for. - name: --manifest type: string description: The path to the resource manifest to show help for. argSets: - required: --resource args: [--resource, --property] - required: --manifest args: [--manifest, --property] # In this case, we can be relatively lazy and just indicate it returns a Markdown string; # If the extension returned structured data, we would need to have the full schema here # for users and integrating tools. outputSchema: $schema: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema $id: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/extensions/explain/output.json type: string contentMediaType: text/markdown title: Resource Documentation description: The Markdown documentation for a resource or a property of the resource. # Has no subcommands, but use the same definition structure recursively. subcommands: [] ```

This is probably the roughest example, as we need to be able to determine the argument definitions from the manifest. This requires much more thorough design and investigation. An alternative would be to require custom commands to specify a JSON schema for input and output both, then generate the CLI arguments from the schema properties (but always send the data to the extension as JSON either over stdin or to the JSON input argument).

### Example custom command extension manifest (input schema) ```yaml $schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/bundled/extension/manifest.json type: Microsoft.DSC.Docs/Explain tags: - Docs - Help customCommand: executable: dsc-explain help: arg: --help command: help args: [] input: stdin schemas: input: $schema: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema $id: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/extensions/explain/input.json oneOf: - required: [resource] - required: [manifest] properties: resource: type: string description: The type of the resource to show help for. property: type: string description: The property of the resource to show help for. manifest: type: string description: The path to the resource manifest to show help for. output: $schema: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema $id: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/extensions/explain/output.json type: string contentMediaType: text/markdown title: Resource Documentation description: The Markdown documentation for a resource or a property of the resource. ```