PowerShell / DscConfiguration.Tests

Test automation scripts for evaluating the quality of DSC Configurations using Azure virtual machines and Azure Automation DSC.
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Test reference wrong path for property WindowsOSVersion in the module manifest #24

Open johlju opened 7 years ago

johlju commented 7 years ago

On this line 428 in DSCConfiguration.Tests.ps1 it reference .PrivateData.PSData.WindowsOSversion.

$OSVersion = (Import-PowerShellDataFile $env:BuildFolder\$ProjectModuleName\$ProjectModuleName.psd1).PrivateData.PSData.WindowsOSVersion

Instead I think is should be

$OSVersion = (Import-PowerShellDataFile $env:BuildFolder\$ProjectModuleName\$ProjectModuleName.psd1).PrivateData.WindowsOSVersion