PowerShell / EditorSyntax

PowerShell syntax highlighting for editors (VS Code, Atom, SublimeText, TextMate, etc.) and GitHub!
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FTLOG Don't use light gray on a white background #195

Open jhoneill opened 4 years ago

jhoneill commented 4 years ago


Issue Description

Insufficient contrast between = ! - , and the background, and exacerbated when the use has render white space on.



Notice the last line has a misplaced - sign which is very hard to see. Params is rendered here as the name of a variable which will be splatted, but -@params is treated as a string literal to be passed as a parameter value . In the ISE the - sign changes the rendering image

Supplementary In the ISE, the $ and @ are rendered in the same colour as the variable name.

Expected Behavior

I am now working around this by adding the following to my vs code settings

    "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
        "[PowerShell ISE]": {"textMateRules": [
                "scope": "keyword.operator",
                "settings": {
                    "foreground": "#000000",



Code Samples

    $Params.Uri      = "$repoUri/annotatedtags?api-version=5.1-preview" 
    $Params['Body']  = [ordered]@{
        name         = $Name
        taggedObject = @{objectId = $env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSION} 
        message      = $Message } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2
    Invoke-RestMethod   -@Params   -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Post  | Format-List


Maintain a difference of at least 127 (50%) between the background and syntax elements. The rgb values for these elements are A9A9A9 (169 decimal), which is the 2/3 point rather than the 50%

Consider using smaller even differentials between rendered white space/control characters and the back ground or