PowerShell / EditorSyntax

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Where/Foreach-object breaks syntax hightlighting #24

Closed jrsconfitto closed 6 years ago

jrsconfitto commented 8 years ago

Another one!

From @oivindoh on September 13, 2016 13:37

$SomeComputer = 'localhost'
$RemoteServicePS = @{
  'VMware' = @{
    'Service' = $(get-service -verbose:$false -computername $SomeComputer -displayName 'VMware Tools');
    'EndpointContracts' = @('ISimService','IServiceBroker');
    'Identity' = '';
$ServicesToSkip = @()

$RemoteServiceCIM = @{}; $HasServicePrincipalNames = @{}
$RemoteServicePS.GetEnumerator() | % {
  $thisServiceKey = $_.Key
  if ($_.Value.Service -ne $null){

    $thisCIMService = $(get-ciminstance win32_service -verbose:$false -computername $_.Value.Service.MachineName -filter "name='$($_.Value.Service.ServiceName)'")
    $thisCIMServiceUser = $thisCIMService.StartName
    write-host $thisCIMServiceUser
    # etc.

After updating language-powershell to the most recent release the following from the code above breaks code highlighting for me:

$thisCIMService = $(get-ciminstance win32_service -verbose:$false -computername $_.Value.Service.MachineName -filter "name='$($_.Value.Service.ServiceName)'")

The same also appears to be the case for the following little snippet (code hightlighting continues as before if commented out):

        $thisBitVersionMatches = $FilesPresent | where {$_.FullName -match "^(?=.*$thisVersion)((?=.*$thisBitness)|(?=.*$thisSupportBit))(?=.*redist).*$"}

I also see the issue in places such as this:

  foreach ($Tool in $Tools){
    $ToolFromWhere.Keys | % {
      if (($_ -match $Tool) -and -not ($ToolsToDownload -contains $ToolFromWhere."$($_)")){
        write-verbose ('Fetching {0} from {1}' -f $_, $ToolFromWhere."$($_)")
        $ToolsToDownload += $ToolFromWhere."$($_)"
        [URI]$thisURI = $ToolFromWhere."$($_)"
        $thisFileName = $thisURI.Segments[-1]
        $thisTempFile = join-path -path $env:TEMP -childpath $thisFileName
        start-bitstransfer -source $thisURI -destination $thisTempFile

Where if I comment out lines [3-6] highlighting continues.

Another example where the Where line breaks highlighting:

Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -recurse |
  Get-ItemProperty -name Version,Release -EA 0 |
    Where { $_.PSChildName -match '^(?!S)\p{L}'} |
      Select PSChildName, Version, Release, @{
          switch($_.Release) {

My gut feeling says it's related to PR50 since it's all directly after a foreach/where, but I'm not really sure. Is there anything I can do to provide a clearer report/exclude other potential sources of the issue?

Copied from original issue: jugglingnutcase/language-powershell#53

jrsconfitto commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the report! This is also related to jugglingnutcase/language-powershell#52, this package is adopting the syntax grammar put out by the PowerShell team and i think this may be a regression due to that move.

Maybe it will be possible to apply changes similar to #50 in their language file?

omniomi commented 6 years ago

This is resolved as of #94