PowerShell / MMI

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Suggestion between System.Management & Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure #47

Open ms-chre opened 4 years ago

ms-chre commented 4 years ago

We are working on remote management solution for an application that runs on Windows . The solution is being written in .NET core and must have capability to access WMI to get system information, execute remote reboot commands etc.

I found out that .NET provides two namespaces, System.Managament & Microsoft.Managament.Infrastructure to access WMI. MMI is modern namespace when compared to System.Management according to MSDN

However, I would like to know which namespace is recommended now and this is for new solution.

There were many issues like https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/29663 and https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/24803. But there is no solid recommendation on what Namespace to use.

What namespace is recommended ?