PowerShell / Operation-Validation-Framework

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getting raw output #24

Closed davidwallis closed 7 years ago

davidwallis commented 7 years ago

I'm just looking into using this framework to help with packaging up pester tests into modules (obviously!)

One thing I currently do is with pester is output the results using https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PSHTMLTable

you can see in the readme.md I submitted an example for formatting pester output.

I can probably parse rawoutput to get the test results (just working on this) but I don't see the test counts - is it feasable to get this information or support something like passthru?

devblackops commented 7 years ago

@davidwallis3101 If you're looking for a summary of the test results would this work for you?

# Run OVF tests
$tests = Get-OperationValidation -ModuleName '<YourOVFModule>'
$results = $tests | Invoke-OperationValidation

# Create summary of test results
$resultTypes = $results | Group-Object -Property Result    
$summary = @{
    Passed  = ($resultTypes | Where Name -eq 'Passed').Count
    Failed  = ($resultTypes | Where Name -eq 'Failed').Count
    Skipped = ($resultTypes | Where Name -eq 'Skipped').Count
    Pending = ($resultTypes | Where Name -eq 'Pending').Count
    Total   = ($resultTypes | Measure-Object -Property Count -Sum).Sum
davidwallis commented 7 years ago

Thanks, that helped - I have managed to replicate what I had previously using just pester - so I'm good to go using this now 👍

if anyone is interested this is the powershell to invoke my tests with params and format the output:

# Define Params for calling OVF with
$ovfParams = @{
    ServerName = "MyServer";
    Credentials = (get-credential);

# Run OVF tests
$tests = Get-OperationValidation -ModuleName 'ServerBuildValidation'
$results = $tests | Invoke-OperationValidation -Overrides $ovfParams

# Create summary of test results
$resultTypes = $results | Group-Object -Property Result

$summary = @{
    Passed       = ($resultTypes | Where-Object Name -eq 'Passed').Count
    Failed       = ($resultTypes | Where-Object Name -eq 'Failed').Count
    Skipped      = ($resultTypes | Where-Object Name -eq 'Skipped').Count
    Inconclusive = ($resultTypes | Where-Object Name -eq 'Inconclusive').Count
    Pending      = ($resultTypes | Where-Object Name -eq 'Pending').Count
    Total        = ($resultTypes | Measure-Object -Property Count -Sum).Sum

# Format cells where the value is greater than 0
$params = @{ ScriptBlock = {$args[0] -gt 0} }

# Produce a summary table
$summaryTable = $summary | Select-Object `
     @{Name="Passed Count";Expression={$_.Passed}},
     @{Name="Failed Count";Expression={$_.Failed}},
     @{Name="Skipped Count";Expression={$_.Skipped}},
     @{Name="Pending Count";Expression={$_.Pending}},
     @{Name="Inconclusive Count";Expression={$_.Inconclusive}},
     @{Name="Total Count";Expression={$_.Total}} | New-HtmlTable |
        Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Failed" -Column "Failed Count" -AttrValue "background-color:#ffb3b3;" @params |
        Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Passed" -Column "Passed Count" -AttrValue "background-color:#c6ffb3;" @params |
        Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Skipped" -Column "Skipped Count" -AttrValue "background-color:#9f5fb3;" @params |
        Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Inconclusive" -Column "Inconclusive Count" -AttrValue "background-color:#5c73b3;" @params

#Compose the html adding the necessary headers
$HTML = New-HTMLHead
$HTML += "<h3>Post Build Test Summary</h3>"
$HTML += $summaryTable
$HTML += "<h3>Post Build Test Results</h3>"

# Create a seperate table for each describe block
foreach ($section in ($results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RawResult | Select-Object Describe -Unique)) {
    # Add a title based on the descibe block name
    $HTML += ("<h4>{0}</h4>" -f $section.Describe)

    # Get the pester test results
    $rawResults = $results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RawResult | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Describe -eq $section.Describe }

    # Create a table with the specified columns and apply colouring to the result column
    $HTML += $rawResults | Select-Object Context, Name, Result, FailureMessage |
        New-HtmlTable |
            Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Failed" -Column "Result" -AttrValue "background-color:#ffb3b3;" |
            Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Passed" -Column "Result" -AttrValue "background-color:#c6ffb3;" |
            Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Skipped" -Column "Result" -AttrValue "background-color:#9f5fb3;" |
            Add-HTMLTableColor -Argument "Inconclusive" -Column "Result" -AttrValue "background-color:#5c73b3;"

$html = Close-HTML $html

#test it out
set-content C:\users\davidw\documents\test.html $HTML
& 'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe' C:\users\davidw\documents\test.html

And outputs something like this (obviously these aren't my actual tests!!)


