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Make Invoke-Formatter test case assertion fail in case of incorrect casing #1888

Closed alexandear closed 1 year ago

alexandear commented 1 year ago

PR Summary

This PR fixes the test "corrects case of of cmdlet inside interpolated string" for Invoke-Formatter. It follows #1885 which didn't fully fixed the test.

Additional Info

The idea is to use -BeExactly for case-sensitive strings comparison. With changes in the PR the test fails when the expected string is '"$(get-childItem)"':

[-] UseCorrectCasing.corrects case of of cmdlet inside interpolated string 19ms (17ms|1ms)
 Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
 String lengths are both 18.
 Strings differ at index 3.
 Expected: '"$(get-childItem)"'
 But was:  '"$(Get-ChildItem)"'
 at Invoke-Formatter '"$(get-childitem)"' | Should -BeExactly '"$(get-childItem)"', /Users/redko.o/src/github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer/Tests/Rules/UseCorrectCasing.tests.ps1:14
 at <ScriptBlock>, /Users/redko.o/src/github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer/Tests/Rules/UseCorrectCasing.tests.ps1:14

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