PowerShell / PowerShell-IoT

Interact with I2C, SPI & GPIO devices using PowerShell Core!
MIT License
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Support other devices #26

Open TylerLeonhardt opened 6 years ago

TylerLeonhardt commented 6 years ago

Allow this to be the issue where folks as for specific devices 😄

I'll start.

One of the Particle boards: https://www.particle.io/

NOTE: this is bounded by .NET Core's ability

Ayanmullick commented 4 years ago

Support for Wilderness Labs' Medow would be helpful too. It supports full .Net Standard. There probably needs to be a more minimal version of PowerShell running only on .Net Standard for microcontrollers, discussed in the April Community call.

It could probably be something similar to the older minshell [with reduced featureset]. If there was a .Net Standard dependency table for each PowerShell feature made using the .Net Portability Analyzer, maybe one could assess which features could fit on a microcontroller. And if Microsoft CEC ensured there was proper PowerShell documentation for AzIoT, it could accelerate enterprise adoption of PowerShell-IoT.

Ayanmullick commented 4 years ago

A PowerShell SDK for the Azure Sphere devices would be helpful too.


Seeed MT3620 Mini Dev Board IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE
mi-hol commented 3 years ago

is this topic affected by the apparently big changes considered for 'hardware abstraction' https://github.com/dotnet/iot/issues/878 ?

DanielSSilva commented 3 years ago

From my point of view, this topic is affected by 2 factors:

That said, I'll have to give a better reading at the link you've referred @mi-hol (thanks btw!), but I would say that IF PowerShell can run on the given device and this "hardware abstraction" gets implemented (unsure if it's not already), then yes

Ayanmullick commented 3 years ago

@DanielSSilva , An AzSphere device might not be able to run PowerShell with a 4Mb RAM. However, there could be a PowerShell SDK for AzSphere that one could use to onboard it to AzIoTHub, connect it with other sensors etc without having to run the entire shell on the micro-controller.