I'm working on a project with two i2c devices, a RTC (Adafruit 4282) 0x68 and a OLED (SSD1306) 0x3C. I can get them both to show up but they are on different busses. The RTC module uses bus 1 and I have configured dtoverlay to create bus 4 (SDA to GPIO 23 and SCL to GPIO 24) to which I have the OLED connected. However, I can't communicate with anything on bus 4 using this powershell module, only Python. (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_Extended_Bus)
I'm working on a project with two i2c devices, a RTC (Adafruit 4282) 0x68 and a OLED (SSD1306) 0x3C. I can get them both to show up but they are on different busses. The RTC module uses bus 1 and I have configured dtoverlay to create bus 4 (SDA to GPIO 23 and SCL to GPIO 24) to which I have the OLED connected. However, I can't communicate with anything on bus 4 using this powershell module, only Python. (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_Extended_Bus)