PowerShell / PowerShell-RFC

RFC (Request for Comments) documents for community feedback on design changes and improvements to PowerShell ecosystem
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Add using () statement for automatic disposing #368

Open jborean93 opened 2 months ago

jborean93 commented 2 months ago
essentialexch commented 2 months ago

Dave Wyatt wrote a using-object in 2014. I still use it heavily: https://davewyatt.wordpress.com/2014/04/11/using-object-powershell-version-of-cs-using-statement/ - but yes, it suffers from some of the challenges you mention and isn't as flexible. I would just ask that you don't break it. :-)

DerpMcDerp commented 1 month ago

This proposal would be more useful if there was a way for the using in the begin block to be Dispose()d in the end block. i.e.

begin {
    using $a = whatever
process {
end {
    # $a gets Dispose()d here
jborean93 commented 1 month ago

@DerpMcDerp that’s what the clean block added in PowerShell 7.3 is great for!