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No runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property #21551

Open msekkappan opened 2 weeks ago

msekkappan commented 2 weeks ago


Steps to reproduce

Running these commands in interactive mode works perfectly. However, saving them to a file and running them throws this error.

format-default: There is no Runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property of the System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace type. The script block you attempted to invoke was:

Connect-MicrosoftTeams $AllTeams = Get-Team -User JXXXXXX@XXXXX.OnMicrosoft.com $AllTeams

Expected behavior

Should display all the teams that the user is a member of.

Actual behavior

format-default: There is no Runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property of the System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace type. The script block you attempted to invoke was:

Error details

Type           : System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException

ErrorRecord    :

    Exception             :

        Type       : System.NullReferenceException

        TargetSite :

            Name          : Inject

            DeclaringType : System.Management.Automation.Internal.PipelineProcessor, System.Management.Automation,

Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35

            MemberType    : Method

            Module        : System.Management.Automation.dll

        Message    : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

        Source     : System.Management.Automation

        HResult    : -2147467261

        StackTrace :

   at System.Management.Automation.Internal.PipelineProcessor.Inject(Object input, Boolean enumerate)

   at System.Management.Automation.Internal.PipelineProcessor.Step(Object input)

   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.OutputManagerInner.ProcessRecord()

   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.OutDefaultCommand.ProcessRecord()

   at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()

    CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Out-Default], NullReferenceException

    FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.NullReferenceException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.OutDefaultCommand

   InvocationInfo        :

        MyCommand       : Out-Default

        HistoryId       : 3

        InvocationName  : Out-Default

        CommandOrigin   : Internal

    ScriptStackTrace      : at <ScriptBlock>, C:\temp\Test.ps1: line 18

                            at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 1

    PipelineIterationInfo :

Message        : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

InnerException :

    Type       : System.NullReferenceException

    TargetSite :

        Name          : Inject

        DeclaringType : System.Management.Automation.Internal.PipelineProcessor, System.Management.Automation,

Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35

        MemberType    : Method

        Module        : System.Management.Automation.dll

    Message    : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Source     : System.Management.Automation

    HResult    : -2147467261

    StackTrace :

   at System.Management.Automation.Internal.PipelineProcessor.Inject(Object input, Boolean enumerate)

   at System.Management.Automation.Internal.PipelineProcessor.Step(Object input)

   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.OutputManagerInner.ProcessRecord()

   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.OutDefaultCommand.ProcessRecord()

   at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()

HResult        : -2146233087

Environment data

Name                           Value

----                           -----

PSVersion                      7.4.1

PSEdition                      Core

GitCommitId                    7.4.1

OS                             Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045

Platform                       Win32NT

PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}

PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3


WSManStackVersion              3.0


No response

msekkappan commented 2 weeks ago

Version 7.4.2 behaves the same.

mklement0 commented 2 weeks ago

So you're saying that saving the commands to a .ps1 file and invoking that file from a stand-alone PowerShell session produces this symptom? Or are you executing the file via the PowerShell SDK (e.g. from a C# project)?

msekkappan commented 2 weeks ago

Invoking the file in a PowerShell session produces the error. Regards,MalathiSent from my iPhoneOn Apr 29, 2024, at 3:57 PM, Michael Klement @.***> wrote:Re: [PowerShell/PowerShell] No runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property (Issue #21551)So you're saying that saving the commands to a .ps1 file and invoking that file from a stand-alone PowerShell session produces this symptom? Or are you executing the file via the PowerShell SDK (e.g. from a C# project)?—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub or unsubscribe.You are receiving this email because you authored the thread.Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.                                                           

msekkappan commented 2 weeks ago

Saving these in a ps1 file and invoking in a PS Console throws this error message. If I type these commands individually in the console it does not happen.

mklement0 commented 2 weeks ago

The error comes from the display-formatting system, but the error message is usually only seen when PowerShell is hosted in other applications. Also, the error details describe a different error, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Your symptom suggests that execution - and therefore joint formatting - in a single pipeline may trigger the bug, so see if the following makes a difference:

Connect-MicrosoftTeams | Out-Host  # force instant, direct-to-display output
$AllTeams = Get-Team -User JXXXXXX@XXXXX.OnMicrosoft.com
msekkappan commented 2 weeks ago

Will try Regards,MalathiSent from my iPhoneOn May 1, 2024, at 1:30 PM, Michael Klement @.> wrote:Re: [PowerShell/PowerShell] No runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property (Issue #21551)The error comes from the display-formatting system, but the error message is usually only seen when PowerShell is hosted in other applications.Also, the error details describe a different error, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."Your symptom suggests that execution - and therefore joint formatting - in a single pipeline may trigger the bug, so see if the following makes a difference:Connect-MicrosoftTeams | Out-Host # force instant, direct-to-display output $AllTeams = Get-Team -User @. $AllTeams—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub or unsubscribe.You are receiving this email because you authored the thread.Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.                                                           

msekkappan commented 2 weeks ago

Adding pipeline to the get-team command displayed results along with the same error message “no runspace available message…”Adding pipeline to the connect-MicrosoftTeams had no impact.  Regards,MalathiSent from my iPhoneOn May 2, 2024, at 3:59 PM, Malathi @.> wrote:Will try Regards,MalathiSent from my iPhoneOn May 1, 2024, at 1:30 PM, Michael Klement @.> wrote:Re: [PowerShell/PowerShell] No runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property (Issue #21551)The error comes from the display-formatting system, but the error message is usually only seen when PowerShell is hosted in other applications.Also, the error details describe a different error, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."Your symptom suggests that execution - and therefore joint formatting - in a single pipeline may trigger the bug, so see if the following makes a difference:Connect-MicrosoftTeams | Out-Host # force instant, direct-to-display output $AllTeams = Get-Team -User @.*** $AllTeams—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub or unsubscribe.You are receiving this email because you authored the thread.Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.                                                           

msekkappan commented 2 weeks ago

Connect-Microsoftteams with an out-host didn’t make any difference. However, adding out-host to get-team command displayed anticipated results plus  same error message “No runspace…”Regards,MalathiSent from my iPhoneOn May 2, 2024, at 3:59 PM, Malathi @.> wrote:Will try Regards,MalathiSent from my iPhoneOn May 1, 2024, at 1:30 PM, Michael Klement @.> wrote:Re: [PowerShell/PowerShell] No runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property (Issue #21551)The error comes from the display-formatting system, but the error message is usually only seen when PowerShell is hosted in other applications.Also, the error details describe a different error, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."Your symptom suggests that execution - and therefore joint formatting - in a single pipeline may trigger the bug, so see if the following makes a difference:Connect-MicrosoftTeams | Out-Host # force instant, direct-to-display output $AllTeams = Get-Team -User @.*** $AllTeams—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub or unsubscribe.You are receiving this email because you authored the thread.Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.                                                           

mklement0 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks; personally, I can't be of further assistance, because I don't have access to Microsoft Teams, but I hope someone else can help you narrow this down.

kilasuit commented 2 weeks ago

I believe this to be an issue with the MicrosoftTeams module more than PowerShell Please can you provide which version of the module you are using from Get-Module MicrosoftTeams as this was missed from your inital repro steps

msekkappan commented 1 week ago

Tran’s version 6.1.0Regards,MalathiSent from my iPhoneOn May 4, 2024, at 1:08 AM, Ryan Yates @.***> wrote:Re: [PowerShell/PowerShell] No runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property (Issue #21551)I believe this to be an issue with the MicrosoftTeams module more than PowerShellPlease can you provide which version of the module you are using from Get-Module MicrosoftTeams as this was missed from your inital repro steps—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub or unsubscribe.You are receiving this email because you authored the thread.Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.