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v7.4.3 Release of PowerShell (Latest) - NOT YET AVAILABLE - via --source winget (PLEASE FIX) #23970

Open iCanHazConfetti opened 1 week ago

iCanHazConfetti commented 1 week ago


Steps to reproduce

(v7.4.3) Release of PowerShell (Latest) - NOT YET AVAILABLE - via --source winget (PLEASE FIX) Attempt via ' PS (v7.4.2) ' in ' Windows Terminal (v1.20.11381.0) ' from ' --source (winget) ' It is (2024-06-16 @ 11:55 PDT) currently.

  1. Receive NOTICE when I open a New Tab in Windows Terminal (v1.20.11381.0) that is PowerShell (v.7.4.2) (both are the latest available via WinGet on my System. Yes. Did a : 'winget source update' prior to a : 'winget upgrade -r -u --force --verbose --wait -s winget' ...

  2. NOTICE LISTS : '' A new PowerShell stable release is available: v7.4.3 Upgrade now, or check out the release page at: https://aka.ms/PowerShell-Release?tag=v7.4.3 '' ...

  3. WinGet can NOT find PowerShell (v7.4.3) via ' --name ' , ' --id ' , OR ' --version ' in the ' --source winget ' ?Repo? (is that the correct term)?

  4. PLEASE FIX the winget source so that ' PowerShell --tag v7.4.3 can be located/installed/upgraded via WinGet

  5. FYI ' App Installer is already installed ' , ' (v1.22.11261.0) on Windows 10.

  6. THANKS in advance!

Expected behavior

When I ' CRTL+SHIFT+L-CLICK ' the NOTIFICATION BANNER MESSAGE in a PS (v7.4.2) Session in Windows Terminal that displays the new PowerShell stable release version tag, I expect to be able to then click to open the github page for the latest stable release of PowerShell to see what was updated, and then also be able to find and upgrade the version of PowerShell on my PC via WinGet...

Actual behavior

When I attempt to perform : ' winget find Powershell ' I expect to find the version that is the latest stable release I was notified of by PowerShell's Notification Banner.

This is not possible. If I search : ' winget find --id Microsoft.PowerShell ' I only find my currently installed version --tag (v7.4.2.0) and no listing for the new --tag (v7.4.3.0)...

...so I request that the package for this Latest Release (v7.4.3.0) be added to the winget source.

Thanks In Advance...

Error details

No PS > Get-Error : to report...

Environment data

PS > $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      7.4.2
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    7.4.2
OS                             Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045
Platform                       Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0


PS (v7 4 3) - WinGet Upgrade ERROR -  2024-06-19 = 12 30 00
RicardoGEsteves commented 1 week ago

Was about to create this issue to.


rhubarb-geek-nz commented 1 week ago

I suggest the package manifest for PowerShell in WinGet should automatically define POWERSHELL_UPDATECHECK=Off when installed. Then leave it to WinGet to do the update when it is ready and avoid the pointless nagging message.

Flameancer commented 3 days ago

Hello I seem to have a similar issue. Albeit with mine, winget does say there is a new powershell update, but it fails to actually perform the updating.

Prompt from Powershell stating there's an Update image

Winget update shows that there is a new version of PowerShell available. v7.4.3.0 and the source is Winget: image

Winget fails to update Powershell citing No installed package found matching input criteria. and even fails when you specify the version number. image