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Politics in the Powershell Gallery #120

Closed darklurker69 closed 3 years ago

darklurker69 commented 3 years ago

So only black lives matter to Microsoft? Great. I've been a MS user for 30 years, glad to know they've got my back after all the support I've provided for their products. Thanks guys, way to go.

TylerLeonhardt commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. However, Microsoft has an official stance on this topic https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2020/06/23/addressing-racial-injustice/.

Saying “Black Lives Matter” does not mean “Only Black Lives Matter”; it means “Black Lives Also Matter”. There are many sources on this, but here is just the first I found on a web search: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/black-lives-matter-vs-all-lives-matter-what-we-say-matters/ar-BB15l4L4.

I also recommend watching the documentary called 13th which is available for free on YouTube.

Certainly there are some bad actors taking advantage of the recent protests and movements, but that should not be confused with the intent of Black Lives Matter.

Here's a comic to help illustrate: BLM