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Could you provider Firewall Rule #126

Closed kkbruce closed 3 years ago

kkbruce commented 3 years ago

In Intranet need setup Firewall to access the Internet.

Example run Install-Module -Name SqlServer in Intranet:


Could you provide the Firewall Rule? (If possible)

hjorslev commented 3 years ago

Have you considered using Save-Module to save the module locally on another machine and then copy the saved module to the server?

fatmanadiah-ship-it commented 3 years ago

Yes, but need to pay the God Ordered!! Then keep promise to bring hudud after that. Let's the angels control all or we can take it personal, then pay the God ordered, Thank God.. Insya Allah, Amen..

kkbruce commented 3 years ago


After testing, I think this is a good alternative. Especially in a limited network environment. Thank you.