PowerShell / PowerShellGallery

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Timeouts #173

Open potatoqualitee opened 2 years ago

potatoqualitee commented 2 years ago

For the past couple months, I've had timeouts on both a Windows 10 workstation in the EU and on GitHub Linux runners, somewhere in the world.

Publish takes forever for dbatools, which is fine, but sometimes it says it times out then i'll get an email saying that there's a new release. Is this expected behavior for larger modules?

If so, can a -Timeout parameter be added to Publish-Module and passed down to Publish-PSArtifactUtility

Publish-PSArtifactUtility : Failed to publish module 'dbatools': 'nuget.exe failed to push A task was canceled.
  Pushing took too long. You can change the default timeout of 300 seconds by using the -Timeout <seconds> option with 

Right now, I'm trying to take care of it by using PSDefaultParameterValues

Thanks, Chrissy

anamnavi commented 2 years ago

@potatoqualitee thanks for reaching out, is your work around sufficient for the time being? We are working on getting a release for PowerShellGet out in the next few weeks and perhaps you could kindly test it out and see if it's still presenting that issue?

Also, that is not expected behavior for larger modules, but we have been having latency issues with the PowerShellGallery recently so may be related.

potatoqualitee commented 2 years ago

Cool, thanks. Yes, my workaround works. Looking forward to a resolution!

iammerus commented 2 years ago


Been also experiencing timeouts while trying to install modules from PSGallery lately

potatoqualitee commented 2 years ago

yeah, this is very impactful and has been going on a surprisingly long time :/