PowerShell / SecretManagement

PowerShell module to consistent usage of secrets through different extension vaults
MIT License
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Storing a plain text secret #126

Open jdhitsolutions opened 3 years ago

jdhitsolutions commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this is a bug or something I'm missing in the documentation. I want to store a plaintext secret. I think I can do that base on the help. So I start with this:

$plain = "FooBar123"
Set-Secret -Name plain -Secret $plain -Vault jhvault

It looks like a string.

PS C:\> get-secretinfo -Name plain                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Name  Type   VaultName
----  ----   ---------
plain String jhVault

But if I run Get-Secret plain I get a secure string result. Using get-secret plain -AsPlainText gets me the value but I don't think I should have to take this extra step. I have other secrets that were entered as secure strings and those show up that way with Get-SecretInfo. But anything I stored in plaintext appears to be stored as a secure string. Have I missed something?

PaulHigin commented 3 years ago

This is by design. String type secrets are always returned as SecureString objects. On Windows platforms, the SecureString object contains encrypted byte array of the secret string. On non-Windows platforms, where there is no support for user context encryption, the SecureString object contains the string secret as a character array.

But in either case the SecureString object provides an important service of hiding the plain text secret, so that it is not inadvertently displayed in a shell or logged to file. To get the plain text secret string you always have to explicitly use the -AsPlaintext switch.

jdhitsolutions commented 3 years ago

Got it. I'd suggest making this clearer in the documentation.

PaulHigin commented 3 years ago

This is the current help description:

    This cmdlet finds and returns the first secret that matches the provided name. If a vault name is specified, then
    only that vault will be searched. Otherwise, all vaults are searched and the first found result is returned. If a
    'Default' vault is specified, then that vault is searched before any other registered vault. Secrets that are
    string or SecureString types are returned as SecureString objects by default. Unless the '-AsPlainText' parameter
    switch is used, in which case the secret is returned as a String type in plain text.

However, I am not sure how to enhance documentation other than adding the justification for this behavior.

jdhitsolutions commented 3 years ago

I see. That description is in Get-Secret. I was reading help for Set-Secret. Since I was using the -Secret parameter I was going by that help which says the object must be of a supported type. I assumed since I was entering a string that it would be stored as a string. Perhaps some explaining that secrets are never stored as plaintext in Set-Secret would help.

Or perhaps the better question is do you really need -SecureStringSecret and -Secret parameters. Why not simply -Secret that handles everything?